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Family History in progress

This history is divided into sections, representing 57 out of a possible 64 lines of ancestry (the other seven currently being brick walls), as follows:


Baggs Beck (1) Beck (2) Bell Bennett Binns Bonnel Bourn
Bourn' Buller Burton (1) Burton (2) Coates (1) Coates (2) Connell Creed
Dinwoodie/Donwiddy/Dunwode(y) Ferry Foster Gale Gibson Grainger Hale Hall
Hughesdon Hughesdon' Jarvis Masters Moor Penfold Pollard Portsmouth
Richardson Robinson Rolfe Russell Spence Sprake (1) Sprake (2) Stead
Sutton Thomas Traish Trevett (1) Trevett (2) Tuck Tunbridge Tunbridge'
Walker Watson (1) Watson (2a) Watson (2b) White Wigham (1) Wigham (2) Wilson

Generally, no individual is named, more recent than my parents (apart from birth details for my own generation).

(For Atkinson and Cockfield see Burton (2), for Beadle/Bidle see Hall, for Birket, Sandys or Carus see Foster, for Bond see Sutton, for Bramley see Spence, for King see Binns, for Raper see Stead, for Rutter see Watson (1), and for Thistlethwaite see Burton (1)).

An apostrophe after the surname signifies that this was the married name, the bride's surname being unknown.

There are also eight long-format pdf files on the lives of my great-great-grandparents, going into much greater depth than the main series of pages; additionally, there is a new pdf of Selected poetry and prose by Joseph Watson:

This website now includes pages on:

There is a fairly exhaustive bibliography, which may be of interest.

This site also includes a small number of transcripts of original documents, as follows:

There is also a page for Special Mentions . . . .

There are separate pages on my son's maternal ancestry.

Finally, I have added a page appealing for information as to the whereabouts of an heirloom clock stolen from me in a burglary in 2004.

If anyone finds a link with their own family, on these pages, I'd be very pleased to hear from them. And if I've got anything wrong, which is more than likely, or have missed anything important out, that you know about, I really would like to know. If there is no image for a particular ancestor, that is because none is known to me. If you know otherwise, I'd be delighted to hear from you. Please also let me know if you find broken links—I'm sure there will be some, but I'd like to keep them under control if possible.

Please note the copyright statement at the bottom of every page. I will usually be willing to grant permission for use of material from this website provided a suitable acknowledgment is made, with a hyperlink to my website. I am unlikely ever to grant permission, however, to extensive passages of text cut and pasted, then posted onto commercial websites such as Ancestry. If this is ever done without my permission in advance I am likely to contact the website concerned to report a copyright violation, and require them to remove it.

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These family history pages were last revised on 2024-06-06.

© 2000–2024 Benjamin S. Beck