Mary S.W. Pollard diaries | 1910-15

MSWP (& FEP) diaries

Diary, 1910–15

by Mary S.W. Pollard


NB If a name is not listed in the key the person concerned has not yet been identified.




1897 (FEP)





1904 (with FEP)



















1910 (continued)

Dec. 27th

Still a holiday. B. & B. to supper—cold chicken, ginger and raspberry creams, etc.

Dec. 28th

Jeannie went back to Ackworth.

Dec. 31st

F. and I were lazy and did not sit up to bring the New Year in, but we read Tennyson's poems.

During the election in December Father was eager to vote, but was not allowed to.



Jan. 6th

F. and I to Kitchings at Heworth to dinner. Jolly letter games. Great fun.

Jan. 9th.

Were going to Teachers Guild at Ackworth at 4.40, but I got a headache which got worse and worse, and just before starting was sick, so went to bed instead, and F. went alone. V. disappointing. I was sick several times. Old 'cook' was kind. I have grown quite fond of her!

Jan. 10th

Managed to go by 10.5 train. F. met me while I was walking up from the station and we went straight into the discussion on "Over Systemization of Schools". Mrs. Russell of London had read a paper on it. F. and Hugh v. amusing. Everyone kind afterwards and asked how I was. Everything beautifully arranged, v. nice meals. F. and I spent lazy afternoon having afternoon tea with Jeannie (Prof. Keating came too—he is from Oxford) and at the Andrews' saw over their house. Nice talk with Dora Clark and the Baynes, who have been so kind about having the children at Polam. High tea at 6.30—fish, etc. Evening, Prof. K. on history of teaching. Then concert—F. sang "Mohac's Field" and "Wind bloweth in from the Sea" with Mr. Unwin. Mrs. U. sang and Mrs. Nicholson, etc. and Marg. and Mr. Andrews and Mr Nicholson acted a Mrs. Poyser scene very well indeed.

Glorious fire in our bedroom, but I slept badly.

Jan. 11th

I got special leave to go in to private meeting. Pension schemes discussed. Most people left directly after dinner—F. and I and F. Knight by 3.0 train. We've had a lovely time.

Jan. 12th

F. departed to stay with E. and E. at Manchester. I felt v. lonely and wept. I saw him off by 4.0 train. He told Robin to look after me, and directly I got back, R. said "Has Father gone?" I said "Yes, and I'm very unhappy" and he said "I'll look after you Mother", and ran along the passage calling to Daisy, "Daisy, I'm going to look after Mother while Father's away".

Jan. 14th

Awful time shopping with R. He hated having hats tried on and ran out of the shop, the man pursuing him! I was so tired at night. Have hardly had a minute to spare all day.

Yesterday I took R. to a lecture for juveniles on Birds, etc. The views were v. good, but R. is too young and I had to bring him out after 40 mins. because he whispered so.

Jan. 16th

R's birthday party. A great success. Only Molly, Colin and Esther, Dia, Betty and Davie. B. and I to Arsene Lupin in evening, a thrilling detective play. Mrs. Percy Hutchinson, the new Manager of the theatre was Arsene Lupin.

Jan. 20th

F. came here for night. Lovely. I met him at 9.15.

Jan. 21st

F. and I went to Bensham arriving about 3.0. Father looked fairly well, but has had a bad week. We sat in library and then I said "I'm just going to take off my clothes", and he said in his old way with a smile "I wouldn't take them all off!"

Jan. 22nd

Father said he had all the symptoms of death in the night, and he kissed me so lovingly when I went in before meeting, and said "You must give the children much love from me". It was so pathetic and he broke down, and said "I'm ready and willing to go." "I don't fear death." It is so hard to see him lying there so helpless and often evidently bothered. I'm sure he knows sometimes that he is confused. Aunt Car to dinner. Father and I looked at a carol book with pictures by Birket Foster, and he sang a verse or two and read some of them aloud. Ruth and F. sang in evening, and I sang duet "Wait, wait" with Ruth. She seems a little better. Father got tired. He tried to sing "A Ship, a Ship a-sailing".

Jan. 23rd

Father had v. bad night, thought there was a battle. Mother looks quite tired out with misery. Miss Curry, the night nurse, had to call Nurse Powell. Mother and I shopped, then Ruth and I, and I bought lots of clothes. Home by 4.26 train. Father said "Goodbye, take care of yourselves. Come back safe and sound. Don't catch cold." He knows we are going to Rome, and looked at our tour and said "You are trying to do too much". It is awful to think of leaving him ill and going so far from him and Mother and the children. We got home at 6.30 and F. went on to M/C at 7.15. I went to lovely progressive bridge party at Mrs. Crichton's. Didn't get back till 12.0 a.m.

Jan. 25th

A Poem from Frank.

Jan. 27th

V. nice progressive bridge party at Bertha's. Beautifully arranged. F. has left Evie and gone to Dalton Hall.

Feb. 3rd

F. came home—I met him at 9.0 p.m.


How much has happened since I last wrote—our precious, precious Father's death which will make such a difference to all our lives. F. and I left for Rome on Feb. 6th and alas, had to return in sadness. We left for the tour on March 7th and got back to York on April 12th—stayed there till April 15th when we went with the children to Bensham, leaving Daisy to have a holiday. We have no servant, but (old) Kate and Mrs Duer, a charwoman, have spring-cleaned the house beautifully. Daisy has helped well these last few days.

It was a sad 'home' going, but lovely to be with the beloved Mother and Ruth who seems rather stronger, I'm thankful to say. We had a busy time helping Mother to do out Father's drawers in the library—an interesting task and a great privilege. We had not time to read all the letters, but came across some v. interesting ones. Also we helped to arrange keepsakes. F. and I went to the cemetery. One day we went to the College to hear a lecture by Sir Wm. Richmond R.A. and saw the new portrait of Father, given to the College thro' Archdeacon Watkin—it is by Percy Bigland and is a copy of the Bootham one.

Many people came out to Bensham. One day we had a nice drive to just outside Gibside. F. had to return to York on April 27th and went to Hugh's. The children and I and Daisy (who had come to Bensham on the 21st) stayed till Sat. 29th, leaving Molly, Colin and Ailsa Rowntree at Bensham.


May 2nd.

Nelly Amour, a friend of Bensham Margaret's, came to me from Hebburn. She has never been out before and I am giving her £14. She has got nice dresses. It took a lot of time teaching her and I had to do all the cooking.

Before Whitsuntide got our spare room distempered. Collected W.L.A. subs. Bertha and Bowes went to visit the 7 Churches (Asia Minor) with Cuthbert starting on May 13th and were away 6 weeks. F. and I played tennis in their garden about once a week and I went there pretty often with the children, for it was so lovely, especially in the very hot weather we had during May. All May except a day or two was glorious.

May 31st.

Daisy and I took the children to Castle Howard for the day. (F. was at Y.M.) The bluebells were over already, and there was a heavy thunderstorm—however, they both went to sleep in the waiting room and then we ate sandwiches and then walked to Kirkham Abbey—only about a mile, but Marg. seemed tired and fretty. Her 4 last teeth won't come through and are bothering her so. There, however, we got a very good tea for 6d each outside, looking on to the river, and the children did enjoy that.

June 3rd.


Eva came to stay with us. River party were Hugh, Esther, Mr. Sturge, Dr. Hodgson, Isabel Hall, Eva, Gilbert R., Lawrie, Frank and me. It was hot, but not too sunny, and it was lovely and quiet. At the Mount meeting, Francis Thompson spoke v. beautifully about Father, and I could only just keep up (so could she.) She read a resolution that had been proposed in the morning at the Committee and then she began by quoting Emerson's lines about "hitching your wagon to a star" and spoke about how she had met Father first when he was a young man of 22 and she had stayed 3 weeks in his Father's house (she was bridesmaid to Aunt Etty) at Bensham; how even then she was struck with his kindness to all, his cleverness and his interest in all questions and so on; how she had watched his career afterwards, and met him year after year at York, and the note tonight was not of sadness, not at least of a bitter sadness, but of thankfulness for his noble career, and she was sure his work was not ended, but that the good causes which he had worked so hard for, were being benefitted by him now, perhaps even more than before.

June 4th.

A glorious hot day. Percy, Eva, Ted Harvey and his fiancée Irene Thompson to dinner. T.G.H. is to be made President instead of Father. I am glad, though I wish Mr. Mennell and Percy could each have had a year first. F. says Ted H. spoke beautifully and humbly about it at the Bootham meeting.

I only had a charwoman (Mrs. Andrew) to help all day, but she managed splendidly, and Nelly well too, considering she had never waited, etc. before, except one day when I tried to teach her.

After the visitors left, there was an interval of about 20 mins. and then a swarm of people arrived for tea and we hadn't enough cups! Mr Mennell stayed a long time and was so nice. We had over 30 people. I was sorry I did not go to school reading for A.R. spoke so nicely about Father, F. says. We had Ernest Rowntree, Joe Wigham, Walter and Maggie to supper.


Frank, Mary, Robert & Margaret Pollard, May 1911

June 5th.

Broiling again. The school did v. badly at cricket, F. included. Marg. ran about barefoot looking sweet and trying to seize everyone's "beddies" (umbrellas). I took R. to see the prizes given away at 9.0, and suddenly he called out "There's Gackie" when he saw Father's portrait, but I don't think anyone heard. We had Lawrie, Gertie, Chrissie Mennell, Mr Baynes (whom the bairnies were delighted to see) and Isabel Yewdall to dinner. Aft. almost too hot. The children went with us to the Mount and came away again and hardly anyone saw them. Greek play. I hated the aft. I hardly saw Frank or anyone, it seemed horrid without Father or any of the family. Too much entertainment. Thos. Hodgkin nice. Meeting a great strain—Percy's speech splendid. Not much clapping when they went up, like when Father used to appear. Thos. Hodgkin on the "Influence of Quakers on National Life". Began w. the early Friends and mentioned Wm. Allen, Stephen Grellet, Elizabeth Fry etc. then a eulogy of John Bright and some very amusing stories about him, and then of course Father, and he said, I think, that he doubted if any man had ever exercised a wider influence before. He ended beautifully—that whenever a good cause needed help how we should long for him, but he spoke of how Father could rouse tremendous enthusiasm, and how he could lash to fury, and I think gave the impression that he made enemies and mentioned Jos. Cowen. Uncle Theo says J.C. should never be mentioned now, as it was jealousy of Father that made him so horrid.

He referred to how Father always tried to get people not to go to law: also spoke of their own friendship in spite of differences of opinion. Both he and Mr Mennell said a good deal of what a fine man Joseph Watson was, and what an influence he and Father's Mother had upon him. He said Father and his father used to chaff each other about their poetry, each declaring that he, himself, was the best poet. H.T. Mennell spoke well, mostly about climbing with Father.

After the business Ted Harvey was elected Pres. for 5 years and he spoke beautifully of the honour, but of how nobody could even fill their dear old President's place.

I was surprised to find he is not much younger than Father was when he became President.

V. poor supper, but good concert. F. and Mrs. Unwin sang "The moon has raised her lamp above". F's voice sounded lovely.

Thankful to get home. Eva kind and sympathetic.

June 6th.

Eva went excursion. Short visit from Uncle Theo and Aunt Hope. Mr Sturge to high tea.

June 7th.

Eva went home. I have enjoyed her. Tried to clear up!

June 9th.

Rather a wind, but F. and I determined to have a cycle ride, practically our first this term, so started after 4.0 and went to Sand Hutton—rhododendrons lovely. Cd. get no tea there, so cycled to the entrance of Buttercrambe woods, then back to the Four Alls, and had v. good tea and eggs. Really cold day for a wonder! Evening lovely, for Frank sang Scotch songs to me, "Here's a health to ane that I love" etc. It was so delightful, for he has sung so little this term, and we have only read aloud about twice.

June 13th.

Evie came for a night. It was lovely.

I forgot to say that on May 27th (Sat.) F. and I took the children and Esther to Clifton Ings in a boat—took tea with us and got out here and had it and picked flowers—baby ran about barefoot and they were so happy. It was lovely. Esther stayed week-end with us.

On May 29th

I got a bad headache and sick attack—I think due to the heat. F. left me for London, lying in misery. When Marg. came in to say goodnight she sobbed and said "Ilske[?] muvver better, ilske[?] muvver better" and rubbed her soft cheeks against mine and seemed quite miserable and frightened, so I had to make an effort to appear better. R. was very interested and said "Are you being sick?"!!

June 17th.

At last the welcome, much needed rain. I went to Bensham arriving there 4.12. Darling Mother had met me in the morning in N/C. as I had written my card so badly, and she met me again at Bensham. Ruth has gone to York. We talked and walked in the garden. Poor old Taylor has had to go after 17 years of faithful service. He cd no longer do the work properly, and is still ill. Eva came soon after dinner.

June 18th.

Meeting, and to Quarries to dinner—a sumptuous dinner and delightful visit, seeing the new garden. George & Isabel and young Mr. Southall there too. Mother and I returned early and had a restful aft. and evening. She read the Beatitudes at reading, says she is so fond of them.

June 19th.

Took 2 of Father's books to Aunt Hope in a taxi-cab and wine to Uncle Theo—called on Aunt Nelly Gurney then by train to see Alice Sisson. Tired ourselves in evening with a new 'patience' Mother has taught me! She had a very long nursing Committee in aft. Sarah and Eva to tea, then Beatrice Jullion and we went to see her garden—not a restful day for Mother who is nearly 73!

June 20th.

A lovely day. Aunt Gertie, Uncle J. and Coz. Alice Foster to dinner (they stayed to tea and till 7.0!) Alas, I had to leave by the 3.30, and Mother will be alone till R. returns tomorrow for the first time since Father's death. It has been so lovely to have her all to myself, and I have enjoyed long nights too! F. had a meeting and cd not meet me and I had to go to a Committee at Mrs. Pierce's Y.F.S.D.S. Robert has bad cough and was rather feverish.

June 22nd.

Coronation day of King George V.  F., Mr. Sturge and I and 11 nice boys by 9.0 train to Speeton, and walked about 7 miles along cliffs to Flamboro'. Gt. land wind, but sea lovely colour. Egg climbers not there unhappily. At Flamboro' I rested with F, others in boat. Tea at hotel, then drove to station. 1½ hours' wearisome wait at Scarboro'. Got home about 9.0 and then I let Daisy and Nelly go to see illuminations: they weren't back till about 11.30 pm!

June 23rd.

F. and I helped and poured out at tea in Ex: Buildings for aged poor. 1200 there. Poured in aft.

June 24th.

Poured all day. R. still has a cough. Poor Evie has had to go to Langenschwallbach again. F. and I were weighed the other day. He was [blank], I was 8 st. 10 oz.

Gt. strike of seamen, sailors etc. E's was the only boat that got off from Hull today.

June 25th.

3 v. nice boys to tea—visit from the Carr family, very jolly. Mr. Sturge and Edna to supper.

June 26th.

B. and B. got home to our joy, looking well. I missed the Essay tea as I went to meet them and trains so late.

June 27th.

Y.F.L.D.S. Garden Party at Clifton Lodge. Quite nice. I played croquet.

June 28th.

In evening F. and I to prize giving of municipal secondary school. It was like the old High School days and I enjoyed it immensely. Girls dressed in white. Acting splendid. Scenes from "Alice in Wonderland", the oyster dance, and from Cranford.

June 29th.

Edna and I to garden party at Seebohm Rowntrees.

June 30th.

Arnold and May Rowntree asked us to join the "leavers" picnic. About 25 boys and 25 girls and others—2 motor boats and 2 steam launches. V. cold and gt. wind, but well arranged and jolly. Started at 5.0. Tea about 7.0 made by the different teams. Miss Gray and I judged the rummelled eggs and Miss Ramsay and I the washing up! Some of the teams' songs were very clever. Got back after 9.30!

July 1st.

F. to Bridlington in aft. to Ass. Masters Association Meeting.

July 3rd.

Huge Garden Party in Museum Gardens of Lord Mayor and Sherriff to meet the "Colonials". Rather dull affair. About 3000 there. I had an "Extension" Committee in evening.

July 4th.

F. & I to N.B.A. Exhibition of pictures. Boys' and girls' party at Cocoa Works. F. and I went to the tea and came back here before the supper. Mrs. Crichton for night.

July 5th.

To swimming baths. Suddenly it is fearfully hot weather again.

July 6th.

F. spoke at open air meeting in Exh. Square in evening, very well. I did not stay all the time.

July 7th.

I went to Garden Party at Heworth Cottage, rather swell. Not many Friends, but I enjoyed it. Small band, lovely tea and delicious ices.

July 8th.

The children to garden party at Mrs. Jos. Rowntree's which they much enjoyed. F. and I to tea and supper at the Davies'. Played tennis—Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Bainbridge there too. Very nice indeed. Edith and 'Sam' are so kind, and she always has everything beautiful.

July 10th.

A lovely day. I took R. and M. by tram to Hanly Rd, then walk along Foss. When I turned round to come back I heard a great splash, and at once knew that darling baby had tumbled in. I jumped in and got the poor little thing out—she had been right overhead and of course was crying. It was only about up to my knees. I soon comforted her, for she is so good and plucky, but did not know what to do. Finally went to Cocoa Works and in Fire Escape room the man telephoned for a cab, lent me a towel and a little coat for M. and was most kind. Fortunately it was hot, and I don't think she is any the worse, but it was a horrid experience. Aft. Mrs. Seebohm R. lent her carriage and a horse and Ber, Edith Davies and her friend Mrs. Kenway and I drove 10 miles to Bolton Percy to near Mrs. Creighton. The address was like a sermon but we had tea in the pretty Rectory grounds (Bishop and Mrs. Crosthwaite) and it was all very nice. B. and I spoke to Mrs Creighton. She said she had longed to see Father again. Got back after 7.0. F. at a Council Meeting.

July 12th.

Breakfast at 9.15 at Mansion House to meet judges. Rather firm. Nice band. I was taken in by Coun. Rhodes Brown. F. had to return to school. I went on to Court for a short time.

July 13th.

Match between Old Ackworthians and Bootham.

July 14th.

F. to play cricket near Ackworth. Meeting in Guildhall with Lord Mayor to express approval of proposed arbitration treaty between America and England. Good, full meeting, and how we are advancing. Arnold Rowntree spoke v. well indeed, then Mr. Butcher and Canon Tupper-Carey and Sam Davies moved and seconded votes of thanks. Fearfully hot today. People are dying with the heat in different parts of the country.

July 15th.

Gt. liberal meeting in Cocoa Works grounds. A.S. Rowntree and Harmar Greenwood who brought his new wife to whom Dia presented bouquet. Mother and Ruth there. They are staying with Bertha. F. and I to supper with the B's.

July 16th.

Sunday. I had Mother all by myself to tea. It was lovely.

July 17th.

Senior Excursion wh. I missed. I went by excursion train (19/- return) to London to stay with the Grettons in their flat. Got there at 2.0. May and I went to a dressmaker where I wanted to order a dress.

July 18th.

May not v. well. Mr. G. took me to British museum Chinese pictures, etc. I called on Volkhovskys. Mother and R. came to King's X Hotel.

July 19th.

Mr. G's brother, the rest of us and Basil Proctor to the White City. Dinner there. Basil and I went on Mountain Railway, Cyclone and Wiggle Woggle. Latter a fearsome thing.

July 20th.

Went to see Mother and Ruth as I heard the latter was ill. Röntgen Ray treatment seemed to have failed owing to bismuth making her so sick and Mother looked ill with disappointment. She saw Mr. Gretton and was charmed with him.

Mrs. Danberry and Dr. H. Scott to tea. Then I went to Gerrard's X and had delightful visit to Malcolm and Leila. Lovely house, most beautifully planned.

July 21st.

Mother and R. managed to get home by evening train. Heat nearly unbearable. Had been no rain for about 22 days. I came to Croydon about 2.0 and Chrissie met me and we went to Dora's School Speech Day. Molly took no part but looked sweet. Sad to be in the lovely old home again with only Chrissie there (Mr. M. is away) and Mrs. M. in bed paralysed—has been so nearly 2 years. 91° in the shade today.

July 22nd.

To Exhibition at School. V. good. Clever original poems. New domestic school. Hugh & Esther had just arrived.

July 23rd.

Sunday. I went to Dora's to dinner. Hugh, Molly, Esther, Phyllis Clark and Chrissie and I to Kenley (Robert and Lilias) to tea. It grew a little cooler and was exquisite there. Robert took me over house. Charming. Tea in garden. A very nice young sculptor—Mr. Vyse—and Clement Hughes there too. Back to supper to wh. Hugh, Alfred Hughes and Mr. Smee came.

July 24th.

To London and home about 8.0. F. met me. Lovely to be back and to have it a weeny bit cooler it has been 91° or 94°; in the shade in London. Seems funny without the children—Daisy took them to Bensham last Wed; but it is peaceful. We had a jolly week, and a fair amount of tennis.

July 28th and 29th were blissful nights.

Poor Daisy's Father died and she had to come home for a day or two.

July 28th.

Bowes and B. took us to see "Brewster's Millions". It was splendid—most amusing. Yacht scene fine. Percy Hutchinson v. good actor—Phyllis Stuckey pretty.

July 31st.

I went to Bensham by early train—F. stayed for council meeting. Children sweet and delighted to see me. Went into town in cab with them in aft. to do errands for Mother, who looks ill and tired out.

August 1st.

Mother, Ruth, the children, Daisy, Elizth., Hannah and I started by train about 12.o'clock for Christon Bank with F. who met us in N/C. Seen off by Edith Ericsson, Aunt H. and Uncle Theo. Sandwiches at C. Bank 2 traps & F. & I cycled about 3 miles to Dunstansteads, the house which mother had taken for a month (8 guineas a month). It was really a perfect place, about 5 mins. from the sea, with a nice lawn & garden, facing Dunstanburgh Castle, at the end of a road (but not a high road). 2 good sitting rooms & v. nice bedrooms. Here we spent a perfectly lovely fortnight. It was so different being with Mother, from being in lodgings tho' one had many sad thoughts of the "days that are no more" still we were very happy. F. & I usually bathed before breakfast, but we had a tent, & sometimes bathed again with the children, who were blissfully happy by the sea or with the farm animals, "black doggies" or "big pig", or riding the pony. The weather was hot & glorious, only rain once or twice. We had v. nice meals, just supper in the evening, potatoes, macaroni & cheese & cocoa or something like that.

August 10th.

A brilliant day and F. & I cycled (& walked) to Ross Castle about 15 miles. Magnificent view down on to Chillingham, to the sea, the Cheviots, etc. Got tea at a little lonely farm—v. nice. Unfortunately my tyre punctured.

August 11th.

Had 2 traps, & with the maids all took tea to Howick and had it down by the waves. V. jolly, tho' it was a gloomy day & began to drizzle a little. Then drove to see Earl Grey's place—gardens very pretty.

On Aug. 14th Mother, Ruth, F. & I drove to Newton by the Sea, & had a splendid view of Dunstanburgh—the sea a brilliant blue colour.

One day F. & I cycled to 'Monkshouse', not far from Bamborough [sic]. Mother, Ruth & I sketched a good deal which was a great pleasure. We are so glad Mother is doing it again.

As we could get no lodgings in Embleton & Hugh and his children were coming on the 15th, Mother kindly lent us Bensham—Nelly met us there & Daisy went for a holiday. I got a girl in to help who was unsatisfactory, but the 2nd girl was good & Nelly acted as nurse. The glorious weather continued and the children almost lived in the garden. Just a day or two after getting there the great railway strike began & lasted several days. It was v. exciting, but we were fortunate in not being inconvenienced by it much. E. & E. were kept in M/C till someone lent them a motor car.

F. & I had a fine excursion to Staward Peel, walking from Haydon Bridge. Sarah & Eva, F. & I took tea to Hillhead one day. The weather was lovely. We saw a good deal of relations, going to the Quarries, Cousin J. Sturge's, Aunt Gertie's, Wheel Birks etc.

On Aug. 29th Mother & Ruth returned home, the month being up, bringing Dia with them. It was lovely to see them again.

On the 30th Frank and I went by excursion to Rothbury and walked to Cartington Castle, a most lovely walk. Got tea at our old "County" Hotel.

On the 30th, in the night, R. said "I've got a pain, Mother, in my body". (He was restless and asked to see the stars in the night for he had not seen them for months and I held him at the window to see them. He talked about Palestine and Jerusalem and then in the night R. said about the pain.) A little later he called out "Do kiss my body, Muvver". The next day he began with diarrhoea. Nelly went to York to get our house ready with Daisy, so F. and I were busy with the children.

On the Sunday we sent for Dr. Stewart who put R. on barley water and mutton broth and on Monday, Sept. 4th. we came home (bringing Dia to York) arriving ¼ to 4. Daisy met us and welcomed the children warmly and they were delighted to see her again.

On Sept. 8th as R. was still poorly I sent for Dr. Fraser, but a locum—Dr. Walker—came and put him on to milk, pure and simple, and said he must get fresh air, but not walk at all. This is difficult when we have no garden, but on the 9th. B. lent us the motor car and I sent the children with Nelly & Daisy for an hour's slow ride, and they did enjoy it. Then F. & I took Edna for a long one, but stuck near the cocoa works till nearly 6.0 o'clock. It was maddening and it gets dark at 7.30 now, so we only got by Sheriff Hutton and Stillington.

Sept 11th.

R. slightly better, but still far from well. V. capricious and cross. We had some tennis with the Crichtons a few nights ago. We have had a lot this year. They are staying at New Earswick.


Dr. Wallace did not seem to be doing much good to Robin, so we got Dr. Micklethwait, who put him on a day diet chiefly toast and biscuits. It took him a good time to recover, but by the end of a month from the beginning of his illness he was practically well again, only very weak. We had a good deal of anxiety about him, and indeed that precious mother was so anxious about him, that she came over unexpectedly one day, to our great joy & that of the dear laddie also. She offered to pay for a specialist, and as that was not necessary gave us £5 for drivers etc. Everyone was very kind. Aunt Car sent £5 also. Most of the time R. was very good—eating his food & taking his medicine, even when he didn't like it so well. He went down in weight to 2 st. 9 but soon began to pull up when he got better. Unfortunately he soon gets tired, so I've had to buy a double go-cart.

Oct. 30th.

I have not written lately for it has been so depressing.

On Oct 10th Daisy was ill, so I put her to bed and on the 11th Dr. Fraser came and was afraid of diphtheria. It was not that, but a very bad septic throat.

On the 14th R. was feverish and when Dr. F. saw him on the 16th he had a throat (but not septic) and was in bed several days. I nearly got knocked up with nursing them both, and on Oct. 17th. Dr. F. sent Daisy to her home where she still is (Oct. 30th). Fortunately I have got a nice girl to come and help, but I have felt very poorly so on the 26th I went to Barmoor Lodge, Kirbymoorside and stayed till the 28th. It was very comfortable and I got a really good rest. The weather rained a good deal, but when the sun was out the colouring was gorgeous. It is an ideal place. F. met me on Sat. night here, and had put lilies in my room.

(Oct 30th)

Mother here for 1½ hours on her way home from M/C. The children in new clothes to Davie's birthday party which they greatly enjoyed.

Nov. 3rd

Ber took me to "The Toymaker of Nuremburg", a charming play.

Nov. 6th.

Daisy came back at last, much to the joy of the children and me too. R. often says "I do love Daisy". F. went to London for Y.M. meeting (adjourned). Mrs C. took me to York symphony concert. Sacharewitsh splendid.

Nov. 7th.

Dia has scarlet fever. Alas for her, Ber, and the Xmas plans of the whole family coming to York. My children saw her yesterday! F. came back.

Nov. 18th

Had Mr and Mrs Proctor and Sam Davies to supper at 8.0. Edith couldn't come. Nelly waited. Had bean soup, fish rolled and baked, also with it tomato and br.crumbs and bread balls, then choc. shape and cream, banana custard and cream, brandy snaps with cream and cheese, coffee in drawing room.


I spent a lovely weekend at Bensham. Evie there too, which made it extra nice. First time I've been there mid-term. Glorious chamber concert—Madame Julia Culp splendid singer of German songs.

On evening of 11th after I got back, F. B. B. and I to Hiawatha. Dia has just got disinfected. It is nice.

Dec. 15th.

Brahm's German Requiem in Minster by choirs of Minster and Leeds Parish Church. Organ not very suitable for this work, but singing superb.

On Dec.3rd and Dec. 17th F. gave addresses at meeting house here and in M/C. on John Bright (1 hour). At both places he had splendid audiences and lots of people here told me they thought it was a splendid address.

Dec. 23rd.

Mother and Ruth came to stay with Bertha. I was very busy cooking, and the turkey got burnt, but things turned out well in the end.

Xmas Day, Monday

The children sent letters to Santa Claus last night and were wildly excited over his coming, and very pleased with their stockings. Quite a nice, mild day. We had our Xmas dinner yesterday so F. and I went to Bertha's where were Hugh and his children and Mother & Ruth, and we had a beautiful dinner. F. and I have had some nice presents, and the children too, Ber giving Marg. a [?] "Gicksie pram" which she loves taking out.

Our 2 children and Daisy and Nelly arrived about 3.30 and then Robin, Dia, Betty, Molly & Colin acted "Little Red Riding Hood" really very well indeed, but it was awfully funny. Robin was the wolf in a mask, and with my long fur for a tail, Betty a sweet little Red Riding Hood, Dia the grandmother, Molly the Mother and Colin the wood-cutter. At the end when R. & Betty were in bed together, they rolled off as an unexpected climax! R. was quite dramatic. Then Dia repeated a French poem and "I'm 7 years old today" and baby Marg. sat on a stool all alone and said very slowly stroking a toy cat "I love Zickie pussy", beaming on everyone in turn, though we thought feeling rather near tears and stupidly enough I could not help laughing, for I felt so nervous. Betty said "I once had a sweet little doll dears" very well. Then we had a lovely tea (I had been poorly in the night, and had to take care today, bilious I think) and then the Xmas tree, a magnificent one, with presents & chocs etc, and we all danced round singing Father's carols, and thinking, most of us, much of the blessed old days, but feeling his presence with us still. We wished Evie and their family were with us, but she & Ernest are in Switzerland. After 6.0 we returned & got the children to bed, and about 8.0 all the grown-ups and Molly & Colin arrived here to supper. We had pushed the table back and decorated it with red tulips and red crackers with owls on them sitting in green moss, and my creams & jelly were really nice, and then we had small tables about the room, and everyone was most complimentary. The maid went in after we had finished. I had made everything myself, but had a charwoman to clear the kitchen on Sat. afternoon. After supper we talked and had a little singing, and one or two carols.

It has made all the difference having Mother & Ruth here, tho' indeed we missed many loved ones. I think we kept Christmas as Father would have liked.

Boxing Day

F. went the walk. I took the children out while Daisy washed, and tidied up and rested. A gloomy day. It has been a very damp autumn, but very mild.

Dec. 30th.

F. and I took train to Acomb and walked to Dringhouses—3 or 4 miles.

Dec. 31st.

F. & I and children to Hugh's to tea. Mr and Mrs. Unwin & and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Linney also there. Molly, Colin and Esther have given the children and me such lovely Xmas presents—so sweet of them—Molly a lovely little clock for the nursery. Mother is wonderfully bright & energetic—went to the pantomime yesterday.



January 4th

Mother went home, but R. stayed on.

Jan. 6th

F. went to Wembley and on Jan. 8th to stay with Dora Clark for Teachers' Guild.

Jan. 8th

Bertha took Ruth and me to "The Queen of Sheba". Splendid.

Jan. 10th

Spring-cleaning our bedroom. F. came home.

Jan. 12th

I let Daisy go home for the week-end as she has been suffering so from rheumatism.

Jan. 13th

I took the children with Nelly to Bensham. F. stayed at Burton Croft. Mother and I very happy together. I helped her to send out 150 notices for a drawing room meeting she is going to have about the C.D. Acts abroad—Miss Abadam going to speak. On the 22nd is the 25th Anniversary of the W.L.A. and she has to speak then. She is doing too much, and has a bad bunion, but still seems pretty well, and is very wonderful.

Jan. 14th Sunday

Mother and I to meeting. As usual a warm welcome. It is far nicer than York. Eleanor Price and her niece to tea. I let Nelly go home to Hebburn at 4.0 and put the children to bed. Mother and I to lecture in Tyne Theatre by Wm. D'Arcy on the "Errors of Erin". Quite good and amusing. He whistles wonderfully, trills like a bird. Mother told him about the whistling in Gomurrah (one of Tenerife islands) where a conversation is carried on by whistling at a distance of several miles! Fun to go to the 'Box' again. Nelly was not into reading, and had not arrived at 11.30, so at last I went to sleep with Marg. but lay awake very anxious.

Jan. 15th

Took bairnies out—horrid damp day and poor little M. fell and got so muddy. Nelly there when we got back. Had slipped between train and platform yesterday and was bruised and had bad shock. Mother put Pond's Extract on her side and sent her to bed, and Hannah kindly took children out in aft.

Mother and I shopped, and she gave me a 'Boreas sweeper' (28/6) for a birthday present. Aunt C. and Aunt Hope to tea. Sweets and Bobbo said poems nicely.

Jan. 16th

Our darling boy's 5th birthday. Several nice little presents—a purse from Mother with 6d in, etc. Daisy arrived at 4.16—children delighted. Olive and Sarah, little John & David to tea, & Dr. Stewart's little girl. R. had a cake with 5 candles and a robin on the top, and girdle cakes with 3d, a button and ring got respectively by R., Granny and Marg. R. did enjoy his birthday, but when Nelly and I departed at 6.40 (Nelly much better, tho' not well), he sobbed and clung to me, and said "It is a pity you're going, Mother". He often says "it is a pity" about things like that. I've had a lovely little holiday and much enjoyed the rest and delicious food, but most of all having the beloved mother to myself.

F. was at Wakefield and did not get in till after 10.0, so Nelly and I arrived to a stark, dreary house. F. had put daffodils in the dining room. It was lovely to see him when he came in and we had a happy night.

Jan 17th

Began spring cleaning. Drawing room to be white-washed.

Jan. 27th

Finished the cleaning. We have been quick, for I've only had a charwoman 3 times (our bedroom and R's little room were done previously) and Nelly and I have slaved and done it most thoroughly. The new stair carpets, dining room and drawing room carpets went to Hunter's to be shaken and I got a man to lay the stair carpets which was well worthwhile. I've painted round the bathroom basin, stained floors, etc. and mended things.

Also it was Y.M. and we had both Isabel and Jeanie one night, and Mr. Andrews the next.

We hear from Bensham that Ruth is ill and Bobbo has a bad cough.

After cleaning over, and a big wash, we began to use the new vacuum sweeper Mother gave me, and find it very good. She wanted the bairnies to stay a little longer, and I'm thankful to have a peaceful, restful week after such hard work. (Charwoman helped with stairs, nursery, kitchen and spare room.) Breakfast 8.30 on Sundays for 1st time for years, and sometimes I have it in bed! It's like a sort of honeymoon having F. to myself, and the house is so easy to run without the little ones (though I long to see them). There seems hardly any cooking and the bills are so small!

Jan. 31st

Edith Ericsson came for the night. She is the 4th visitor lately and I usually have no-one. There is a hard frost and skating. Our pipes have frozen once.

Feb. 1st

Edith sick and poorly and stayed in bed till evening.

Feb. 2nd.

Edith went home. Ruth very poorly indeed, abscess in ear. Mother had to get a nurse for her.

Feb. 6th

The bairnies came home, looking lovely. Snow all gone again and very mild after being nearly down to zero.

Feb. 7th.

I got nice letters and flowers. A year ago started for Rome.

Feb. 9th.

Mother and Aunt Car over for day. Lovely to see them. Came here to dinner.

Feb. 11th.

Performances of "Sweet Lavender" in De Grey Rooms by Cocoa Works people. Excellent, esp. Mr. Crichton, Miss Benson and Miss Allen.

Feb 29th.

Daisy left in tears (I & Bobbo also) after rather over 3 years of faithful, helpful service. She had suffered so lately from rheumatism that the Dr. said she must leave to have a rest, much to my sorrow, for she managed Bobbo so well when he was tiny and has had a good influence on the children. The children gave her a small picture (2/-) and I a silver watch chain (7/6). Bobbo wanted to give her a lot of his money too and finally gave her a new 1d. The new nurse, Jenny Mills (21 yrs old, £14), came yesterday, so that D. might show her things as she has not been in service before. She is a friend of Nelly's from Hebburn.

March 2nd.

A year ago our beloved Father died. Oh, how perfect he was. That terrible day in Rome comes back vividly to me.

Concert at school in evening. Mrs Walker played most beautifully and Dorothy [?] Clipham sang.

March 7th.

At last poor Ruth well enough to go to Scarboro' and Mother went with her. I took the children to the station to see them. They were excited. Evie came at 6.0. Bobbo and I met her.

March 8th.

E. went to Scarboro' for the day.

March 9th.

Poetry competition at Mount. 14 girls entered. Evie, Ber and Frank judges. All most successful time. E. had to go away in evening. It was lovely having her.

March 11th.

Naishs' took me to the orchestral concert. V. good. Plunket Greene also. Children have had bad coughs and colds, and M. is hard to manage without Daisy.

March 12th.

Mother, B. & B. started for Italian Lakes. I trust they will have a splendid time. Mother does need a rest.

March 14th.

Seebohm R. sent carriage and F., I and the children had a jolly drive, 1½ hrs. They were so pleased to see little lambs.

March 16th.

Special essay meeting at school—on "lake district poets".

March 17th.

F. to Bolton to speak on 'Prayer'. Stayed night at Woodheads. R. had v. bad night coughing. He has had a cough for about 10 days.

March 18th.

I sent for Dr. Fraser. R. has a bad infectious throat and must stay indoors. I have a bad throat and cold too. To lecture on "Fallacies of Germ Theory".

March 19th.

Debate. I did not go, but F. did. Thank goodness I now retire from being Sec. of the Y.F.L.D.S. Mrs Baynes to tea.

March 29th.

Exhibition of school work at Bootham and lessons given by Knight (Mathematics), Mellows (Latin). Essays by College Class and a French play—Scene in a Restaurant—most amusing. The whole thing was most interesting, and I think it was Frank's idea.

April 3rd.

School broke up. Evening before amusing recitations by Miss Benson & songs by Dr. Shadwell.

April 5th.

Good Friday. Took children to Hob Moor. Jenny has had a housemaid's knee, but it is nearly well again.

April 6th.

F. & I to Hutton-le-hole by 3.0 train—poor little Bobbo very upset, would hardly eat his dinner, and if we told him stories to distract his attention, listened and then said "All the same I don't want you to go away". He sobbed at the end, and tho' really happy I think during the week, kept saying how he wanted us back again.

Got to Kirby Moorside about 4.30, and had 3 miles drive to Hutton (Moorlands, c/o Mrs. Bradshaw). Frank & Edith Strange already there having motored. Very nice rooms, looking on to stream, charming place, endless walks, fields, moors, etc. and dear old landlady and landlord. Fearfully windy first few days—also air strong and I slept v. badly, F. too. But v. little rain and weather improved.

April 9th.

Easter Tuesday. Mother and B's arrived home from abroad. Miners' strike just ending at last.

April 11th.

V. cold day, but sunny. Drove to Church Houses, then walked by stream among masses of daffodils, down Farndale to Low Mill. Here got a cup of tea, then walked by stream to Lownay. I got tired, as there were heaps of stiles, but it was a glorious walk, 4 or 5 miles I suppose. Trap met us here and I drove back, F. too part way. The flowers, daffodils, primroses, anemones, [?] palm, blackthorn, etc. are splendid.

April 12th.

At last, a really lovely hot day. The Stranges cycled back to York, so F. and I took sandwiches and walked down Dowthwaite Dale—exquisite—had to plodge a pretty deep, cold stream. Got back 4.30 to tea.

April 13th.

Warm but dull. Walk on moors. Left by 4.26 train, and found children here going to bed, but radiant at seeing us again and looking well. For once I am v. glad to be back, but feel the week has been a great success, and I am much better and more rested for it.

April 14th.

Bowes called in aft. with Dia to say Ber had had to go to Scarboro' (Edith Ericsson had motored for her) as Ruth has been taken very ill. I feel anxious. It was nice to see Bowes again. Heard afterwards that R. had been dangerously ill, Dr. went 7 times. Fortunately Edith had heard her in the night and gone for him. Probably ptomaine poisoning.

April 15th.

Very hot. F. and I took Bobbo & Mar. by 10.0 train to Castle Howard; B. remembered every detail of the excursion a year ago, wh. Daisy and I took them, even to his shoe coming off in some mud! He has been practising striding so as to step right across this time!

First we walked by river, finding lots of flowers, pink anemones, butter burr, palm, etc. Then up past reformatory and back by road to the wood near station where we ate sandwiches at about 12.0 o'clock. Then I tried to make the children go to sleep, but they couldn't, so they lay and rested for an hour. Then we walked thro' fields to Kirkham Abbey, about a mile, getting primroses and marsh marigolds. Bluebells coming out. The country was heavenly; it is a perfect spring, but I found it rather hot and tiring, and when we got to K. Abbey ½ an hour's row on the river was delightful. R. was learning to steer and learnt the difference properly between 'right' and 'left'. Then a good tea at Shaw's outside in the garden near the river, and a walk to the waterfall before getting the 5.0 train home. Cab from station. A most successful excursion.

About this time was the terrible loss of the 'Titanic' on its first voyage, owing to collision with iceberg. About 1500 people drowned, W.T. Stead among the number. It is heart-rending to read of it.

April 18th.

F. & I went to Scarboro' to see Ruth. Mother & Bertha both there. R. in bed, but much better. Misty day in Scarboro'. R. very sweet.

April 20th.

Still glorious, so Hugh & the children, F., Bobbo and I rowed a good way up river (putting Marg. & Jenny out at Clifton Ings), starting at 3.0. Made a fire, had tea on banks, and got back after 6.0. Bobbo v. good & much enjoyed it. Asked piles of questions!

One day Jenny took the children (18th) to Museum gardens with their tea. It is so hot, like middle of summer.

April 25th.

F. & I took children down river for an hour. R. continued to learn to steer.

April 26th.

School re-opened. Ber came home from Scarb. on Ap. 23rd.

April 28th.

F. to speak at Halifax meeting. I took R. to Minster for short time (to nave).

May 8th.

Drove with children & Nelly & Jenny to Clifton Ings and had tea there, but air felt very heavy, and it gave Bobbo a headache. Walked back. Nearly all April was hot & dry, and May has been too so far.

May 9th.

Went to Edith Davies' to lunch and enjoyed sitting in garden & resting. She drove me back.

May 10th.

Heard that Mother had been taken ill yesterday suddenly—supposed gall stones. Am very anxious.

May 11th.

Better account of Mother. F. & I had an hour's row down river in evening. Lovely.

May 12th. Sunday.

I did not like to go to Meeting, so sat in Museum Gardens. Mrs. Mellons & Philip Corder to tea. I put children to bed. Alas, last evening alone with F.

May 13th.

Nurse McKay arrived about ¼ to 7. She seems very nice and tidy and competent I should think.

For a whole week we lived in horrid suspense. Dr. F. had put my date as the 19th but I am sure the 23rd is correct (I reckon from Aug. 10th as beginning of last period and therefore reckon from Aug. 16th). We did not know what to do about sending the children to Grasmere, for I wanted them to be home for the event. I'm getting nervous & worried & cross, and it is so horrid going out, yet one must have exercise. Fortunately I have cooking to do. Nurse has sewn a lot, & is very tactful & kind to the children.

May 19th.

Went to Crichtons to supper. This morning I showed the children the cot and told them all about it. They were so interested and pleased, and said "Won't the little baby be pleased?" Bobbo said he would send it a present if I told him when its birthday was, & "might he hold it"

For names Margaret suggested "Golliwog" if a girl, but if a little "bruvver" then Johnny. (I can't think why.) R. thought 'Margaret' or 'Puss in Boots' & when I said we would not know the difference if there were 2 Margarets he replied "Oh yes, I'd know that one by her curls."

Dia & Betty came to tea, and the children told them all about the baby!!

May 20th.

The children wished to see the cot again, but were disappointed that the baby had not arrived. Bobbo says "How do you get babies, Mother? How do they come?" I saw the darlings off at 9.25, F. too, and Ber most kindly went as far as Carnforth with them. Bobbo had been longing to go, but when the actual moment arrived sobbed for me to go too. It was rather upsetting. They went by Leeds, & would arrive Windermere at 2.25. I think Jenny felt low too, for she is not used to travelling, & going among strangers.

The children want to send me lots of flowers if I get ill!

It seems so quiet now, & there is so little to do. Bobbo announced that the baby wd. cry and that it would have a burden (like Christian) & a black dog on its back! when he was in our bed this morning. Evening, sent Nurse to the pit and went to back row of dress circle ourselves to see "Beauty pulls the Strings", a very amusing Scotch play.

Bertha says the children told the people in the carriage about the new baby coming and how they had seen the cot!

Bobbo says he will call Aunt Car 'Mother' as she has no children of her own!

May 22nd.

To tea at Ber's. Still waiting. The suspense is horrible.

Heard from Aunt Car & Jenny. Children v. happy, and Aunt C. glad to have had them to herself for a little, but Mother & Ruth arrived there last night. The children had a wet drive from Windermere on Monday, but enjoyed the 'Victoria' which Aunt C. kindly sent.

Pouring here today & probably at Grasmere too.

May 23rd.

Mabel's birthday. Last night I knew something was going to happen soon, but I got up to breakfast & Nurse said we had better have Dr. Fraser. I managed to do some cooking & when she came I opened the door for her in my apron & she was surprised. She examined me, & told me to walk about & have a very hot bath & sit in it for a good time. I had one in the morning, & tried to rest after dinner. About 4.0 Edna came & I told her; she went away, & returned at 9.30. Just before tea, dreadfully sick—later, had another bath. Got sick of walking about in the room, so at 7.0 F. (Mr. Sturge took duty for him) took me a walk in the rain towards the river. Dr. said afterwards a v. risky thing to do. Supper at 8.0; I had milk & toast & again was v. sick. F. read Chas. Fox's Life to me & when Edna came we played bridge, but had to stop every few mins. while F. held me, for I felt v. bad.

Between 11.0 & 11.30 got much worse & went to bed while Edna went to telephone for Dr. F. F. came up & was so kind. Sick again. Dr. came about 12.15 a.m. on

May 24th Friday

(just after the day I had said) & F. went down. I got worse & worse and asked for chloroform; Edna helped greatly. At ¼ to 1.0 a baby girl was born. Dr. F. said perfectly formed and one of the prettiest babies she had ever seen. (I think not quite up to Robert!) For 1st time I was not torn, & it was much the easiest time I've had, though quite bad enough. Edna stayed till baby washed. F. posted cards etc. I am sleeping in our room, & baby is with nurse in night nursery. I have an electric bell. Slept pretty well afterwards. F. sent telegram to Grasmere later on, & I got one back. Saw Bertha who brought roses & has been much surprised as she knew nothing yesterday, & Edna.

Left leg began to hurt a little.

May 25th.

Showed Dr. F. a queer lump on my leg and she said I must lie quite still, have it raised and painted with belladonna & glycerine & be v. careful in case a clot formed. Such a nuisance. The places spread, so my leg was bandaged from top to bottom. Happily it did not hurt much when kept still, but I was not allowed to sit up, even in bed, till June 2nd and then only for a very short time.

June 5th.

Got up to have bed made.

June 6th.

Got up for short time. Ernest Weiss came & saw me, also Bowes. I had not seen E. for 3 years, nearly. I have a good many visitors now, & lots of lovely flowers. On Whit Monday I was allowed to see Agnes, Isabel & Chrissie M. for a few mins. On the Sunday F. had Basil Neave, Ernest Rowntree & Hugh Gibbins to tea. The river picnic was a gt. success. Glorious weather at Whitsuntide. The Sat. was rather horrid for me, for it was only the 2nd day after baby was born, my leg was bad & I could do nothing for myself, & Nurse was poorly in aft. Fortunately she soon got better. On Whit Monday Frank did better than anyone at cricket making 79 runs. His songs in aft. at Mount were greatly liked. He sang "Far & high the cranes give cry" & for an encore "Had a horse". He did not go to the supper.

June 7th.

Mother came from Grasmere to stay with Ber. After tea (I sat up for it for 1st time) she came to see me, and it really was perfect seeing her and hearing all about Bobbo & Margaret. Mother seems well again, but tired.

June 8th.

Visit from Mother.

June 9th. Sunday.

Lovely long visit from Mother. Much to hear and tell. Aft. after tea I went down to drawing room for 1st time & lay on sofa. Jolly.

June 12th.

First hot bath in evening. It is nice to be moving about a little again.

June 14th.

Molly's birthday. First drive, with Nurse & baby. Got some lovely sweet peas & drove to cemetery to put them on darling Mabel's grave. Mother had wanted us to call our little one Mabel, but we hesitated & Hugh did not much want it, so we couldn't & we have called her "Caroline" after dear Aunt Car.

June 15th.

Drive round by Skelton in Seebohm R's carriage, but v. windy and my right leg was aching dreadfully. After my dinner in drawing room I went to bed, & had gt. difficulty in getting upstairs, as pain of leg really awful. Sent for Dr. She thinks muscular rheumatism—anyway it got relieved with rest & much warmth, but it is disappointing to have to go to bed again.

Yesterday little Davie Crichton had an operation for appendicitis, but is getting on very well. Day after day goes by, and my leg improves very slowly. Dr. F. comes every day again and is very cautious about it—we shall have to keep nurse longer than we meant to.

June 17th.

Children came home after being there exactly a month. Ruth (& Mr. Gower) took them as far as Carnforth, and F. went to Leeds to meet them. I was fearfully excited when I heard the cab arrive just after 5.0 and heard their merry little voices shouting to Frisk. As they came in at my door I thought I had never seen a more beautiful little pair, Margaret's bright sparkling dark eyes and lovely curls, and Bobbo looking so well and rosy, and his skin a lovely brown colour. Poor little M. was beginning to cry when she saw me in bed, and said "I want you to get up", but then I showed her the cot and she & Bobbo stood each on one side gazing in rapture at "my little baby sister". As Aunt Car says, I have indeed cause to be thankful for such "clever, good, healthy children".

Their stories about Grasmere are most interesting. Aunt Car wished Bobbo to go to church last Sunday & Marg. begged to go too, and sat quite quietly through the whole 1½ hours' service, except that she made a puffer train with the books and they all tumbled down.

The day after they came back they were much interested in seeing Nurse bath baby—they loved her little toes. Bobbo was rather disappointed that she cannot talk and says "Why has she got a tongue if she can't talk? Also interested in her meals, but Bobbo thinks cows' milk would be nicer out of a cup.

June 20th.

At last walked to a chair and sat in it for a very short time, but the walking is still very painful. Heard the thrilling news of Ruth's engagement to Edmund Gower. He has waited 14 years for her but it is terrible to think of his going to Tasmania, especially after she has been so ill nearly all this year. They are staying at Randapike and write happily.

June 21st.

Sat up a good deal longer. I have lots of visitors, pretty flowers, and Edna and Bertha come nearly every day. Hugh too is most kind. He has just taken Esther to school at Croydon and is now alone. F. took Bobbo & Marg. to Gala for an hour. M. screamed on the merry-go-round. R. said he liked the flowers best. He bought me some strawberries "to make you better Mother". He is always begging me to put on my clothes—says my face is not so nice in bed, and does not like my hair down. I long to get up & play with him & Marg. Baby went in pram for 1st time—lovely new one that Mother has given us.

June 22nd.

Nurse left in the evening.

June 23rd. (Sunday).

I managed to bath baby in the basin, & quite enjoyed it—I love having her to myself, only as I may still hardly walk at all, I do miss Nurse, but F. helps splendidly. Fearful thunderstorm in night. I rang for F. and he stayed in my bed a bit (last 5 nights he has had to sleep in drawing room, as I could not have him with me while so hot, etc.)

Ruth's engagement is now public. When I told R. he sobbed and said "Then she won't be able to come to Dunstansteads". He also said "But Aunt Dootie's been married before Mother"!!

June 28th.

At last I was allowed to go down to the drawing room for tea, but not to dress. The children were pleased to see me down, and F. rushed along to Pickering's and bought sweet peas to make the room pretty. He has been so good to me, helping me all he could with baby since Nurse went and doing lots of things for me. Occasionally now he sleeps with me again, but as a rule I'm too fidgety, & hot.

June 30th. Sunday.

I dressed "in all my clothes" and came down at tea-time. When Bobbo saw me he was so delighted he got quite red and rushed to me & hugged me. I think I must seem like another mother! Marg. brought me some daisies and buttercups and was very excited also, & I felt so much better and less invalidy & so glad to be down.

The whole of June wasted for me, but it has been a month of tremendous thunderstorms.

Congratulations, etc. from


Mother Telegram, Frock, Pram
Evelyn Knickers, knitted
Ruth Pillowcases
Bertha Flowers
Hugh Flowers, magazines
Aunt Car. Silver ring
Aunt Hope Small ring
Aunt Gertie Bonnet
Eva. Bonnet
Aunt Nelly Kuhlmann    
Aunt Nelly Gurney.    
Olive Edmundson    
Margaret & Edith White Socks, Vests, Dress
Jeannie Pollard Brussels Lace bonnet. Woollen Bonnet.
Malcolm & Leila    
Mrs. John Stevenson Rowntree Vests
Elsa & Erica Knitted jacket.
Edna. Bonnet.
Edith Davies. Pram Cover, flowers
Mrs. Oliver (her mother) Knitted shawl
Chrissie Mennell Book.
Dorothy Richardson (nee Garnett)    
Edith Sturge. Flowers
Nurse Probart. Lilies.
Mrs. Probart.    
Mrs. Crombie  Carnations.
Dorothy Knight. Iris.
Helen Eddington}

Miss E.C. Walker}

Bessie Ransome.    
Mrs. Fox. Lilies
Katharine Rowntree. Roses.
Miss Gray. Roses
Mrs. Arthur Rowntree Roses.
May Rowntree. Lilies & carnations
Mrs. Seebohm R. Carnations.
Mrs. Jos. Rowntree. Flowers & 18 fresh eggs.
Mrs. Macdonald. Flowers.
Miss Harrison.    
Alice Sisson.    
Helen & Elsie. Roses.
Daisy Wright. Flowers.
Bobbo & Marg. Forgetmenots, etc.
Alice Sisson    
Mrs. Linney. Socks.
Emily Pollard    
Arthur Pollard    
Lucy Jackson    
Sophie Sparkes.    

July 3rd.

May Rowntree sent her carriage (she is away) & Bobbo and I went a quite short drive. It was nice to get out again, & Bobbo made a fascinating little companion. He is so much stronger since Grasmere, & so willing & sweet & he chatters away all the time, telling me much about Aunt Car & the gardens & Cuthbert. She sent him & M. some flowers the other day & they much enjoyed putting them into vases themselves. He has a pretty voice & charming way of talking.

July 4th.

Another drive in the carriage to dressmaker's with Bobbo and then round by Heslington. Ruth & Edmund arrived at Bertha's to stay a few days. Mother came to Hugh's for week-end. It was lovely. Edmund delightful. He & Ruth came here to supper. I trembled with excitement & nervousness!

July 9th.

My first walk, just along Bootham—legs feel soon tired. Boys had a holiday in honour of Caroline!

July 18th.

Made rasp. jam. Marg. spent aft. with Gwendoline!

July 21st.

An awful day, for me. I took the 3 children a walk, and they were very good, but R. began suddenly to be ill, and we had Mr. Burgess to high tea. Washing day also!

3 small children, none of them at school, and with no garden, are an awful business. R. got a temp of 102½, rising to 103, but in a few days he was better again. He complained much of pain in his stomach so I had Dr. Fraser.

Term ended on July 30th. Last few days were very busy for me, as baby took up much time—also Nelly is going to America, so I have had to engage a new maid, to my great sorrow, for Nelly has done splendidly while I have been in bed. I think I have never once been to the school this term.

July 31st.

Very nice tea party at Hugh's. Our 2 children and Ber and hers there. Molly and E. had just come home. Alas, our last time to 12 St. Mary's as soon they are moving to an old house in B. Cres.

August 1st. Thursday.

Children wildly excited. I am taking N. as nurse for a week so as to give J. a holiday, so I left J. to go home by a later train and we started at 9.57. Fearful in station and crowded, so it was ages before we found the seats we had booked.

However, in the end we got a nice carriage (not corridor) and had it to ourselves all the way from Darlington, so were lucky. Mother going by 1.30 with Ber & D & Betty to Dunstansteads, but yet she found time to come into N/C station to try and see us. Had not known the train we were coming by, I think, & waited about an hour & never saw us, but left us some fruit blancmange etc. with Bertha who had got to N/C before us. Baby as good as gold the whole journey, slept most of time. Arrived Chathill about 2.00 and got a motor car to Rayheugh (5 miles). F. cycled. It began to pour, but happily the car had a hood, and we soon got to Rayheugh Farm. Here we stayed a fortnight.

It is a charming place, & very delightful farm, with many animals, pond & boat, water hens (we saw several nests) etc., but the weather was very cold & wet. Mrs Robson is most kind, but has a very awkward temper. One day F. & I & Bobbo & Marg. took tea and had it on the moor in lovely sunshine, but that was the only time it was possible. One day Ruth & Edmund motored over to see us; another, Edmund, Mother, Ber & Dia & Betty came to tea; one pouring day we had George & Isabel, Mr. & Mrs. Finch, a Mrs. [?] Fletcher & her boy, all of whom were staying at the cottage, to tea. We got no drives. F. & I had a little haymaking & one or two nice cycle rides. Baby got poorly, & we had to have the Dr. Altogether I was very glad to leave & come to Dunstansteads on the 15th. Mother sent the car for us about 12.0 o'clock & we greatly enjoyed it (for 10 miles) & F. cycled.

Found Mother not very well, but happily she soon recovered. Ruth & Edmund had just come back from Bensham the day before. It seemed blissful to be with mother again after lodgings. Unhappily the weather remained very bad & Ruth began to be poorly, & was taken ill one night with dysentery, & F. had to go for the Dr. She never recovered enough to do much, & on the 25th she & Edmund went back to Bensham. The children were very good & happy & Granny as kind & loving as ever. She had bought bricks, puffer trains & plasticine etc. for the children to play with. One warm day F. & I & R. & M. had a splendid bathe, even Bobbo enjoying it so much that he did not want to come out, & when he did he tore about naked over the sands. But that was the only bathe Bobbo had. Marg. had several & did not seem to mind the cold, but came a long way in with me, letting the waves bang her about. We all had some jolly plodges, & one day Mother, R. & M., F. & I walked to Dunstanburgh Castle to see the waves, wh. were fairly fine. The 2 older children had riding on the ponies most mornings.

On the 26th Ruth had the X Rays in N/C but nothing was discovered. Bobbo & Marg. seemed to grow much older here. When we got to Rayheugh R. had just had a feverish attack and was in a very nervous state there & very frightened of the animals. He greatly improved, & before we left Dunstansteads chased the pigs & hens about! We had several rides in the motor car, to Alnwick, Newton, Howick, etc. The children loved it. One day Mother, F. & Edmund went to Barmoor to see the Hodgkins—a lovely day, but very cold.

We left on the 29th—a pouring morning. Mother & maids came by a later train. Mother has been a perfect angel, helping me so with baby, for I had to send Jenny to York on the 28th to open out the house with my new girl—Annie Withers. Mother got baby to sleep last night on her knee. Also she let 'Jane' sleep with Bobbo & Marg. after J. had gone, as they both had coughs. I got a drenching cold & felt very miserable. We left the house about 9.20 in a closed trap, F. cycling. Reached N/C 12.15 and were met by Uncle Johnny & Aunt Gertie & Edmund—such a help. Aunt G. at once took baby & she & I had a long talk in the waiting room while I fed baby, & the others had sandwiches on a seat outside. We went on by the 1.40, & all the way from Christon Bank to York had a carriage to ourselves—(not a corridor.) We were lucky. I got baby to sleep & laid her down & R. & M. went to sleep also, so we got a little rest. Arrived York a little before 4.0, & drove home. 'Annie' came at once to the door & took baby, & except that I don't like having a new girl I must say it is nice to be home again, for baby was too young to take away especially in such dreadful weather. Annie & J. had worked very hard to get all the house done except the kitchen. Ber had brought flowers, & put them even in our bedroom, & soon she & Dia came to see us.

August 31st.

F. & I had tennis at Burton Croft in aft.—the only time this year.

Sept. 3rd.

I weigh 8½ stone. F. weighs about 10st. 12lbs. Took R. & M. to Katharine Rowntree's to dinner (Theo. away.) They behaved beautifully. R. kept saying "What a delicious dinner"! but there was fish & poor little M. hates it. However, beyond 2 or 3 loud whispers of "Mother, I don't like this fish", she ate it alright. I had to hurry home to baby, but F. & the others stayed later.

Sept. 4th.

F. left at 10 mins. to 8.0 for West Lulworth, Dorset, where he is staying with Sophia, etc. B. & family are at Goathland, Edna, etc. are at New Earswick, so I had a horribly dull week & felt dreadfully depressed.

Sept. 7th.

Took Bobbo to see the Moore Collection of Pictures. It is a most interesting & beautiful exhibition, & R. was quite interested. I had once before taken him to the permanent collection & he wished to see it again, & I was amazed to find he remembered some of the pictures, esp. one of Benaiah killing Joab! In the Moore pictures he at once saw several of "the Gardens" (Museum Gardens) & was pleased, but in one he said "there isn't a hedge there like that". He is very observant.

Sept. 8th.

I got to evening meeting for 1st time for months. Poured all day, but all children sweet & good. Baby slept most of morning, but lay in her cot in morning from before 3.0 & never cried once. I began to put her to bed about 5.0 & she was as good as gold. In morning I read the Bible to R. & M. & we sang some hymns, & then played nine [?] pins, etc.

Sept. 12th.

Mrs. Crichton who is staying at Earswick invited Bobbo & Marg. to tea. They went by cab & she put them into the 5.30 train to come back, all alone. There are no stops, but Bobbo was nervous about it beforehand, but quite enjoyed it, & F. met them at York station. They are only 5½ & 3½ years old, so it wasn't bad. They often go little errands for me now, & are quite useful, & bring the change back alright.

Sept. 13th.

Ernest, Elsa & Erica to dinner, so jolly. Frank took them on river with R. & M. & we saw them off at 3.57.

Sept. 14th.

F. to Thirsk in evening, stayed with Halls, & gave address on John Bright the next day.

October 15th TuesdayRuth's wedding day.

F. & Hugh went over the night before—everything beautifully arranged & a lovely little meeting at Colthouse at 11.0 a.m. Fr. returned that afternoon. Colouring of trees gorgeous.

Oct. 24th.

Ruth & Edmund stayed night at Bertha's en route for Bensham after wedding tour. I went to dinner to meet them, & F. & Hugh came in later. R. had bad cold & had to stay another night. She was wearing a lovely dress & looked lovely, & they seemed so happy.

Oct. 28th.

I took baby to Bensham by 3.30 train arriving 5.25. She slept most of the way & was as good as gold. Mother met me, but we missed as she was a minute or two late, so baby & I drove out in a taxi. Ruth in bed poorly. Sara Renton welcomed us. We slept in nursery which had always a lovely fire. 'Hilda', a girl of 16, came at 7.30 always for the day to look after Caroline. V. nice, capable girl. Mother soon came in, & I got baby to bed in the large cot.

She slept better at Bensham, the first night never waking till 6.0.

We had a lovely time there, but saw little of Ruth, as she was always packing, up till late at night, & Edmund had huge packing cases to do also.

Oct. 30th. Wed.

The great reception in the King's Hall at the College. Ruth so poorly, but Dr. Stewart gave her a "pick-me-up", & she recovered for the reception.

Baby slept so late that aft. that Mother sent a taxi for me alone. It was 3.30–6.0 I think, & I got there for most of the time. Tilly's did all the catering (1/6 head) ices included. It was all very nice, lovely cakes & sandwiches. The Hall looked beautiful with Father's portrait beaming on us, & Violet Hodgkin's lovely sketches of Tasmania arranged round about, & the great huge wedding cake. Ruth, Mother, Edmund, Dia & Betty received people in their wedding clothes, all looking so nice. Ruth wore the "Sisters" necklet. I enjoyed the whole thing hugely, meeting so many people I had not seen for years, & everyone was so cordial.

There were over 250 there I think & the chief of the office clerks went too. There was a band of 3 I think—piano & violins (rather loud) & they played some music composed by Paul Kilburn for Ruth. The whole thing was a tremendous success.

In evening Mother, Ed. & I to hear Norman Ansell at Lit & Phil.

Nov. 3rd.

Teresa, Edith Ericsson, Percy & [?] Nelly [? Molly], Laura & Lena & [?] Eva Dendy came to tea. All pleased with baby—she wore the lovely silk frock Ruth has given her.

Nov. 4th.

Aunt Car, Aunt Hope & Uncle Theo to tea to say goodbye to Ruth. Charmed with baby, & it was pretty to see Aunt C. with her little namesake.

Edmund went off to London as he is going to sail from there & see about the luggage. It was horrid parting from him.

Nov. 5th.

Edmundsons to tea.

Nov. 6th.

Ruth, Mother & I & baby left by 12.40 train, as they are going to stay a night at M/C to see Evie. Heaps of people to see R. off, mostly in tears, & nearly all gave her flowers etc.—Percy a great bunch of white heather! Baby fairly good on journey. At York F., Bobbo & Marg., Hugh, Bertha, Dia & Betty & we all said goodbye to Ruth with heavy hearts.

Nov. 7th.

R. & Mother went to Plymouth & Nov. 8th Ruth & Edmund sailed for Tasmania on board the Demosthenes—they went round by the Cape, Mother got messages from Tenerife & Cape Town "All Well".

I forgot to say that in N/C one day Mother & I went to see Father's portrait at the Lit. & Phil. (unveiled a few weeks ago) wh. I liked immensely, & then to Lib. Club to see Miss Etherington's old portrait wh. is considered very good. Mrs. Beattie came & showed us several rooms—it is the old posting inn—the "Saracen's Head" I think—& there is a beautiful old staircase & wonderful ceiling in one of the rooms—it recalled exciting election times!

After seeing Ruth off, Mother stayed a fortnight at M/C & then came to Hugh's for the night of 22nd Nov. Here to dinner—B. & I went to Hugh's to supper. Nov. 23rd Mother left for Bensham with our darling Margaret at 2.5. Bobbo & Annie saw them off, as F. & I were out. She went very happily & settled well. F. & I were at New Earswick at a luncheon to meet the Runcimans—he had come to open the new school. They were very cordial. I asked if they remembered me, & they said my face wd show who I was, & if it didn't my voice would! I cd. not stay till the opening because of baby, but F. did. Evening F. & I went to "Il Trovatore" & enjoyed it immensely. Dia's birthday party a grt. success. Bobbo fascinated by the conjuror, & gave us a grt. account of the wonderful things he did.

I forgot to say that on Nov. 14th Jenny (the nurse) had to leave as her mother was ill, & I made Annie nurse & got Daisy back as general.

Dec. 2nd.

I went in aft. to hear Band of Grenadier Guards—I suppose the finest in England. It was very good.

Dec. 4th.

I took R. to Liberal Bazaar, as Betty was presenting the Bouquet to Mrs. Cholmondley. He was fascinated by the bran tub! We all got tea together, Ber, Dia, Betty, etc. & had quite fun. Bobbo was given lots of things & had quite an exciting time.

Dec. 17th.

Splendid concert. "A Tale of Old Japan" by Coleridge Taylor. Soloists all excellent—Miss Agnes Nicholls, Effie Martyn, & a good bass                [blank] & tenor pretty good.

Dec. 18th.

School charades from "Pickwick Papers". Frank took part for 1st time since we were married & was simply splendid. He was Mr. Potts, the Editor.

(Dec. 11th. When out with Bobbo & baby & gave the pram a little bump—I said "What a naughty Mother I am" & Bobbo loyally said "Oh no, Mother, you are too good ever to be naughty". Would it were true!)

Dec. 23rd.

Went to Bensham (taking Annie) by the 2.5 train—very easy uncrowded journey. Bertha, Dia & Betty already there. We sleep in spareroom with baby. It was lovely to see our darling Margaret again, after over 4 weeks' absence & she looks grown & well & "I never suck my thumb now". 'Hilda' taught her not to!

Dec. 24th.

Some to aft. party at Gables. Jeannie Pollard & Bowes arrived.

Xmas Day

Great excitement over Santa Claus, & then the presents. Children got lovely ones, so did we. Bowes, F., Jeannie & I had a walk to the Park, & I made a ginger cream for the sake of "Auld Lang Syne"—others did various things. Hugh, Molly, C. & E. to dinner, so a larger party. Molly had made all sorts of wonderful things—dressed 4 little dolls for Marg. & made a lovely sofa & chairs, & a beautiful box for me.

Percy Corder, Walter Corder, Teresa, Norbert, U. & children, Cousin D., Cousin Rose & Gilbert, Cousin Jenny to tea. No-one to supper. Quite successful, but I had to be occupied with baby part of time, & it was not like our glorious old Christmas parties. What a privilege they were. We sang a few of Father's carols, Percy sang, & Walter a pathetic Tyneside song, & Bobbo requested most dramatically "Bishop Hatto & the Rats".

Boxing Day

Most went to a Xmas tree party at George & Isabel's.

Dec. 28th.

Marg. sick & poorly—unusual for her—perhaps has had too many parties. Bobbo, Dia & Betty to the Jullions.

Dec. 29th.

Bowes went back to York.

Dec. 30th.

Jeannie went away. It has been so nice having her at Bensham.

Bertha, Dia & Betty went. We have been a full household & it has been so jolly. The children have immensely enjoyed playing in the garden together. Dia & Betty are very sweet.

One day Mother, F. & I drove to town & saw Father's portrait in Liberal Club—the old Queen's Head Posting House.

We had several drives with the children in Aunt Nelly Gurney's carriage.



Sunday. Jan. 5th

Took Bobbo & Marg. to meeting. They went into the children's meeting & into ours for half time & were quite excited because 'Father' spoke.

Jan. 6th             

F. went to York for Council & next day to Teacher's Guild at Liverpool—stayed with J.P.J. Malcolmsons.

Mother is suffering much from giddiness—Dr. does not seem to think it very serious, but it is horrid for her, & she holds on to things while she walks. One night I went with her to a Liberal Social—Mr. Short MP spoke strongly on suffrage. Mother called on to speak, & did it fluently & beautifully & was so clapped. Someone near me said "she does speak beautifully".

She & Sara Renton have booked their berths for March 14th for Tasmania, & we have done a good deal of shopping.

Jan. 5th [sic] Sunday.

Earl Grey came to tea. Very nice. He asked Robert what he wd be when he grew up, & R. said "A soldier" & Earl Grey did laugh. We motored in with him & Percy to hear his lecture on Canada—2¼ hrs. Very interesting & beautiful coloured slides & cinematograph. He spoke beautifully about Father & Mother at the beginning.

Jan. 8th             

Edith White came to stay at Bensham. So nice. Last few days rather spoiled by Mother's giddiness & servants not what I had expected. The garden is a boon & baby sleeps the whole morning in it. We were to return to York on Friday 10th. (F. went on the 8th) but Bobbo got a very bad cough & baby a cold, so we had to stay till the 11th. & then went by the morning train, Edith kindly seeing us off. Baby's cold grew really dreadful, & we had some bad nights & days after getting here. It was snowing hard, & F. met us, & had put violets in our room, & lovely daffodils, etc. in other rooms & Ber tulips. She & Bowes came to supper. Daisy had everything very nice. I am glad that Mother has Edith & soon Molly, C. & Esther are going. She has been so very, very good to us, & it has been lovely being at Bensham.

Aunt Car came out several times. Mother got me to try giving Caro Virol.

Jan. 7th [sic]    

Evie got a little daughter. Neither Nurse or Dr. there, but she is getting on well. It is lovely & we are thankful.

Jan 23rd Thursday

Bobbo began to go to Miss Singleton's little school in this street. I took him. It was quite exciting but I hated his beginning, though it is certainly a relief! He soon got to enjoy it greatly & it is very convenient being so near. He always relates at dinner-time exactly what he has been doing. Miss Singleton says he is very good.

Jan. 23rd          

Edith White came & stayed till Jan 26th. Very nice.

Jan. 26th           

Mother came at about 2.30—she had brought Nora Edmundson so far, & had had no dinner & was worn out. I got her a poached egg & she had a long rest upstairs. The spare-room now with a gas heater is fairly nice & Daisy was so good about trying to make everything nice for Mother & generally took her her breakfast in bed.

Jan 28th            

Peace meetings began in connection with Q.M. Public meeting—F. presided very well, & J.W. Graham spoke. We & Mother went to Hugh's to high tea to meet him. Mrs. Joshua Rowntree praised F. much to me.

Jan. 29th           

Mother attended meetings diligently—I what I could, same next day.

Jan. 31st               

Had Edith Davies, Crichtons & Arnold Rowntree to supper at 7.20 to meet Mother. Had a charwoman all day & evening. Cold chickens, potato salad, lemonade, charlotte russe, jelly, castle puddings with whipped cream, orange & cocoanut [sic], cheese & coffee. Afterwards music. Very successful evening, except that Annie could not get baby to sleep, so I had to go & do it.

Feb. 1st             

I took Mother to see Merchant's Hall, then she went to Burton Croft for week-end. It has been so lovely having her staying here, for she has stayed with us so rarely. I can hardly bear the thought of her going to Tasmania.

Feb. 3rd            

Mother went home.

Feb. 7th            

My birthday—such a happy one—Mother sent £10 (she is giving it to all her children) & £2.2/- from Caroline. Bobbo made me a letter case which he brought from school in great excitement, pink with green ribbons (just plaited cardboard).  F. & Bertha gave me flowers, Jeannie a cake & a little collar & I got lots of letters too. In the evening F. & I went to see "Patience" in the stall. It is extremely funny & pretty.

Feb. 8th            

Bowes insisted on taking F. & me to "Yeomen of the Guard". Lovely, but I was fidgety about baby who is not well with dreadful cold & cough.

Feb. 9th            

Got Dr. Fraser, who said she had rarely seen a baby so heavy with cold. It is on her chest too, & the weather is awful, day after day of fog & damp. We have to keep our gas fire on all night.

A trying week, because I was so tired & the nights were even worse than ever.

Feb. 16th Sunday

Went to B's to supper. Cousin Kate & Hugh there. B. not feeling v. well, & got the nurse in the night. I saw her on Monday twice, & at 3.30 a.m. Feb. 18th a little boy was born. I went down about 11.15 a.m. & saw him & Ber, a darling baby 8½ lbs. She had a hard time but is tremendously pleased to have a boy.

Bobbo was very excited when I told him & asked if I had seen it come. He wishes he had not been at Grasmere, so as to see Caroline come. "Were you asleep Mother"? & "did she come in the bed or on the floor"!

Feb. 22nd         

F. & I went to the Arthur Rowntree's to supper to meet Norman Angell. Percy there too. Very interesting & Mr. Angell such a nice man. Tonight I finished feeding baby, & the next week was extremely trying, as she was so difficult about her food, & I suffered dreadfully for a whole week.

March 3rd        

Went to hear Philip Snowden M.P. on Woman's Suffrage. V. good, but the Suffragettes made a horrid row & several had to be turned out. They are revolting, & it is a shame to spoil "Free Speech".

March 1st         

Annie left, & 'Agnes' , the new nurse, did not come till March 2nd. But Daisy helped me a lot with the children. I do loathe changing nurses. Bertha's baby is losing weight which bothers them.

March 8th        

Rather in fear & trembling I left baby for the first time, & went for the day to Bensham. Evie & little baby Mabel were staying there, & Evie met me & we went out at once. Mother was very busy. It was nice to see her lovely clothes. We presented Eliz[?]kin with a dressing gown (E. & B. & I). Charles & his charming fiancée—Stella de B. to lunch—both so nice. Marg. Shield, Lottie & Bertha, [?] Martin in aft. I had a very happy day & came back by 7.8 train. Ernest had arrived at Bensham.

March 13th      

Mother came to stay night with Bertha & to see "Will". Evie & babe travelled so far with her.

March 14th          

M's 4th birthday. Mother & I left for London by 12.30? train—first time I had left Caro for a night, but Agnes got on well with her. Lena & Sara travelled with us, & Mother, S. & I got a good lunch. Went to Midland Hotel—Mother paid everything for me. Molly, Esther & Dora Clark to high tea about 6.30, & Miss Cooper to see Mother, & to tea. Very nice, then Mother wrote letters, etc. I had a splendid night (first for months) but Mother slept badly & looked worn out. Got her lovely brooch back that was lost at Ruth's wedding.

March 15th Friday

Bowes arrived last night. Mother, he & I, Sara & Lena, & the [?] Holmdens went down to Tilbury docks by boat train arriving there about 12.30. At once on board Orsova. Mother & S. are going to Tasmania 2nd class, but have a 1st. class cabin. V. small. Almost at once we were ordered off. The parting was horrible—Mother and I in tears, & Mother looking so ill. However, we soon got a fairly cheerful card from her, & got good news from Naples, Port Said, etc. We got back to London about 3.0. I had a bad headache, but Bowes took us to a nice restaurant & food restored me. Then we had successful shopping, caught 5.0 train home & arrived I think about 9.30. F. met me.


M. had a small birthday party.

April 9th            

F. & I to Berlioz' 'Faust' . Very fine.

April 11th          

Left with children & Agnes by 9.25 for Grasmere. Snowing hard, & when we got to Windermere it was like depths of winter. Aunt Car had kindly sent a covered bus, but F. had to go outside. Lovely welcome at Heugh Folds from her & 'Edith' . I forgot to say that Molly is with us, & is a very great help with the children.

April 12th.            

Wet, but got to village & hired a pram—also have a go-cart from Ambleside. Aunt C. stays in bed for breakfast, & F. takes reading. Molly & Marg. sleep tog. & Molly dresses (or helps) M. & Bobbo in our room to dress (sleeps in Aunt C's dressing room) & Agnes just has baby. It is an inexpressible comfort to F. & me to be getting some good nights & fortunately if baby cries we cannot hear her. On the whole she is sleeping pretty well.

April 13th             

Sunday. Aunt C., Molly, Bobbo & I to church. F. & I walked to Lancrigg & called on Mr. Roby in aft. & saw also Mr. King—headmaster of Clifton College. Dull day.

April 14th             

Fine in morning. F., Molly, Bobbo & I took sandwiches & walked to Easedale Tarn. Bobbo did well, but never stopped talking & asking questions! Got lemonade in hut, & talked to the old man. Got back about 2.0. Heavy showers on way back.

I think the next 2 days were very wet.


F. & I walked part way up Nab Scar & back by Greenhead Ghyll. Tremendous snowstorm, but did not last long.


Bobbo, Molly & Agnes went to see Rydal Falls. Latter twisted her ankle, & for several days cd hardly walk at all, so we had to look after baby a lot.


Aft. F. & Molly took R. & M. up Nab Scar. They started about 2.30 & were back by 4.0 wh. I thought extremely good—their 1st mountain—& they were not carried at all. Unfortunately it rained a good deal. I took baby out along middle road. I should have said that yesterday (17th) we took R. & M. to Skelwith in afternoon to see Falls—got tea there & got back about 6.0. It is 3 miles there. We took Marg. in go-cart & R. had a very short ride. It rained part of the time, but was a jolly walk.


Rained a lot.


 A glorious day; I took Marg. & baby a walk in morning. Aft. we went on Lake, baby too. Very nice. Evening F., Molly & I went up Loughrigg. Children up Mount Heugh with Aunt Car.


Not v. fine. Aft. F. Molly & Bobbo went to Thirlmere for tea (R. part of way in go-cart) & drove back. Hugh came about 4.30. He stayed at Prince of Wales Hotel.


Our first whole day excursion (A's ankle much better now). We all (except Aunt C.) drove in 1 horse trap by Red Bank to Primrose Field beyond Elterwater. (F. walked on by Loughrigg Ter. Baby did enjoy the drive. V. hot. Got a lot of primroses, but the children had to be back about 11.0 so we sent them with Agnes, & then Hugh, Molly, F. & I walked on to Little Langdale to Blue Tarn. V. pretty. Here ate lunch & then went up Pike o' Blisco. Hugh did not go to top, & I lost F. & Molly; there was no view as it was so hazy. Nice rocky top. All met coming down, & got good tea at New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel. Home about 6.30. Aunt Car said children had been so good—she likes to have them without us I think & she had taken Bobbo to sail a boat in a pond on Mount Heugh & said he did it so well—she had taken him & M. up a bit of Nab Scar (a long walk for Aunt C.) Mrs. Rawnsley had been to call & baby had been "exquisitely good" with her.

(Mrs. Simpson called one day & gave Bobbo "Mr. Tod" in memory of a walk he took her in the garden last year!)

'Edith' called us at 6.0 a.m. instead of 7.0—I got up & had a bath, & then F. discovered the mistake, but as the children were up we had breakfast at 7.30.


Telegram announcing Mother's safe arrival at Melbourne "v. good voyage". We are thankful & I expect on the 25th she will arrive in Hobart. Hugh & Molly left this a.m. M. has been a great help & so sweet. We miss her much.

We sailed boats, etc.—have had so little chance of pottering about as weather has not been good enough.


F. & I to Tarn Hows. Hot, but hazy & rather tiring walk. I stopped at cottage at Bull's Close to darn a hole in my stocking. Such very nice people. Grandmother thought I was 25, & was amazed when I said 37! Ate sandwiches at the Lake & walked back near Colwith—got tea at Skelwith. Talk with Ruth Corder—Cuthbert took children on Lake.


Alas, our last day. F. & I up Nab Scar. Good view. Aft. took R. & M. to other side of Lake to get primroses, told we were trespassing, but got marsh marigolds & decorated Aunt Anna's grave. Managed to finish "Remittance Billy" in evening. Generally read from ¼ to 7 till ¼ to 8, then supper & then Aunt C. goes to bed. We used to play paper games with Molly afterwards. On wet days we had making of paper boxes, purses, boats, double boats, French cook caps, etc. & one day Bobbo gave us a splendid gymnastic lesson.

26th Saturday.

Left by 10.0 bus (2 horse coach).  Awfully sorry to leave. Baby & Agnes inside, we outside. It pelted all the way & was bitterly cold, but at Carnforth we got dried & had lunch, & got baby to sleep on a form. Got to York at 5.0. Children wildly excited to see Daisy, & she had made house beautifully clear, with a char-woman—often here by 7.20. There had been a good deal of white-washing etc. She has worked hard. I gave her 5/-. Got all unpacked & went to see Bertha. Edna came in. New drawing room curtains. We' ve had a lovely time at Grasmere & Aunt Car is kindness & sweetness itself.


Took R. to meeting. Let Agnes out for aft. & evening & D. for evening.


Daisy took R. & M. to Acomb to tea. F. & I to preparative meeting in evening.

1st May             

F. began school.

May 9th            

Isabel Yewdall came. I took her to Special Council Meeting. Gt row, & the councillors had to adjourn for ½ hour!

May 10th          

Whit Saturday. Lovely day, but owing to the floods lately river impossible. Very disappointing but in the end we had a delightful little excursion. Bowes, Isabel, F. & I took tram nearly to Acomb, got out & walked (3 miles) to Poppleton—hot & lovely. Here Hugh & Molly met us & we had tea in the garden. Molly is v. happy at the Mount (her 1st term). Back to York by train & in plenty of time for reception at the Mount. Meeting rather dull, except for Mrs. Baynes' splendid address. She is our President for 5 yrs. Home before 10 p.m. Cocoa with Frank here.

May 11th          

V. fine. I wore my new brown velveteen coat & skirt. Meeting House crammed. I did not take Bobbo, though as a rule he goes every other Sunday with me. Ted Harvey & his wife, Percy & Nelly to dinner. V. nice. Ted H. easier than usual. Daisy waited well & there was not a hitch. I had charwoman for the day and ½ yesterday.

26 people to tea. They came in batches. We had it in the dining room. George & John Shackleton to supper. V. nice. Agnes got her evening out. It was D's day in.

May 12th          

V. fine. Isabel & I took R. & M. to see Prize Giving at Bootham by Gladys Barber. Then cricket match. Ground too soft. F. did best for school—25 runs. Mr. Baynes, Mrs. J.W. Graham, Joe Wigham to dinner. I consulted Joe about a gathered finger!

Took R. & M. by train to Mount. Quite nice there. Daisy & Agnes took baby in pram. We put her in a hammock & she did laugh. Children good & sweet & C. much admired. Cousin J. Sturge very nice, but oh, how sad O.S. is compared with what it was. V. nice Bootham meeting. F. Andrews splendid & funny on "Public Speaking". H.T. Mennell proposed that a telegram shd be sent to Mother in Tasmania. It was nice of him & everyone clapped. There was not ½ the clapping at the beginning that there used to be when Father went up.

Supper middling. Got home before 10 p.m. Songs en masse. It has been a nicer O.S. than usual lately.

May 13th          

Washing. Took children out. To see Bertha.

May 15th          

Had to get my finger lanced by Dr. Kemp.

May 16th          

Isabel, Edna & I by train to Earswick. A glorious day & I got on pretty well at tennis. Edna & I played Edith & Isabel—we had only one long set, & we won by 15–13. Got the train home about 5.30.

May 17th Sat.

Not as hot as yesterday & windy, but v. fine. Ber most kindly lent us the car, so we took R. & M. & drove, starting at 2.0, by Crayke Castle—went into the grounds—there is a magnificent view—& Hovingham to Castle Howard. Here we stopped & had tea, kindly provided by Bertha, on the grass near the road. Then we walked to Kirkham Abbey & rejoined the car there & got home about 6.30. The country was truly heavenly, masses of bluebells, cowslips, primroses, anemones, cuckoo flowers etc. & the trees so varied in their fresh young colouring. We all enjoyed it greatly.

May 19th          

Isabel left. I have much enjoyed having her. She & F. & I have had some nice bridge in the evenings. Bowes took me to see "Maritana"—Royal Italian Opera Co.

May 21st          

W.S. lunch to Mrs. Swanwick. I sat beside her. F. cd not go.

May 23rd

Evie came for the day. We drove to cemetery and put flowers on our beloved Mabel's grave. I wish, after all, we had included her name in our wee Caroline's.

Evie had dinner with us & she & I took R. & M. to town to let them buy little presents for Caroline. She went to B.'s to tea, & I took her to station in evening, but she missed the train, so came back here, & went later. It was lovely having her.

May 24th          

C. quite enjoyed her birthday, & a top from Bobbo, a trumpet from Marg. & a set of cardboard boxes from Ruth. For the next few nights she slept better!

May 25th          

F. went to Y.M. Stayed at Sophie's.

May 26th          

I have an awful cold & cough & feel poorly.

May 27th          

Took R. & M. to see a chestnut tree at Bootham cut down. Wonderful sight. F. came back late, but I did not sit up, so did not see him.

May 29th          

Took R. & M. to the swimming baths. R. terrified & only just entered the water. M. stood on the bottom.


One day about this time Bowes & Bertha took us to see "Captain Brassbound's Conversion"—excellent & very amusing, but theatre nearly empty. Leigh Lovel Company.

Sat. May 7th [sic—presumably June 7th]

Went by aft. train to N/C. Stayed with Aunt Nelly Gurney—Miss Wheeler & Miss Mason both there. So jolly. Revived old High School Girls Guild—about 50 met at N/C. H. S. & talked. Little music & refreshments. Miss Ritson, Miss Cooper, Miss Vickers, etc. Very nice & I was glad I had gone. Like 'Old Scholars' —gt affection for the old high school.

June 8th

To meeting with Aunt N. & May—v. small—to lunch at Quarries—delightful—& Charles there as nice as ever. He saw me into the train & I caught the 3.0 train to York. Sturges & E. Taylor to supper.

June 10th

F. & I in aft. with Ernest Weiss (who had been to Burton Croft) to Leeds to National Peace Congress. Essie Rowntree travelled with us. Ernest read a prayer first, then Miss Wodehouse, then Frank on "Education & National Service". All v. good but discussion poor. Got some tea in Leeds. Saw many people we knew. F. & I went to Lord Mayor's reception & I had nice talk with J.F. Green—says they miss Father so still on 'Free Russia' affairs. Got back to York about 10.0 p.m. I did enjoy the day—it was a rest to get right away.

June 11th

F. & I spent most of the aft. at the Municipal Secondary School Sports & I gave away the prizes—not as bad as I expected & outside. After a vote of thanks to me, I just said a very few words. Bobbo & Marg. came to watch.

June 14th

To opening of new dining hall, etc, at Rowntree's, by J.A. Pease, M.P. & the Archbishop. Jos. Rowntree made a nice speech in the chair. Afterwards saw gym classes, Morris dancing, etc, & had a sumptuous tea in the orchard. I forgot to say that yesterday Marg. Shield came for the week-end—just like a visitor.

June 16th

R's ½ term holiday. Ber most kindly lent us the motor car & Marg. Shield, Bobbo, Marg. & I started at 2.0 for Thirsk (Sowerby). Went round by Crayke Castle. A boiling day. Got a few flowers. Arrived at Aunt Gertie's about 4.0 & had tea. Aunt N. Gurney there. Saw the nice house & garden. Got back to York 6.30.

June 17th

Marg. went at 6.15. She has been nice & interesting, but rather tiring.

June 18th

A call from Cousin Emma Bowron & Marg. Andrews. Former a splendid old lady of 74, just like Mrs. Pollard in appearance.

June 19th.

Aft. I took Bobbo & Marg. to Gala with Edna. Gt. fun. Went on heaps of things.

June 20th

Went by 11.40 train to Stow on the Wold (Oxon). May Gretton met me at 4.15 & we motored to Burford about 8½ miles. The Little House is enchanting & such a quaint, pretty garden.

June 21st

Hot & lovely. Took lunch & joined Mrs. Harris & her daughter & married daughter & son in law in a picnic. 2 latter are actor & actress in America (Carlton their name I think.)

June 22nd  Sunday.

Walked & read with May. Out to tea. Evening she & Richard motored me to Kelmscott about 8 miles to see the garden & outside of Wm. Morris' house. Lovely.

June 23rd

Short walks. Calls.

June 24th

Breakfast at 7.0! May & I motored to—[left blank] (5 miles) & caught the 8.0 train. I got home at 1.20. F. met me. Sometimes had breakfast in the lovely courtyard. Lots of Devonshire cream!

June 25th

Took children to Edith Davies' to a garden party. V. nice, but R. stupid about playing the games & doing the 'sports' . I had to insist, & he got on all right.

June 26th

F's sister Lucy came.

June 27th

In evening B. took L. & me a nice motor ride about 5.0 miles by Hovingham & Brandsby.

June 28th

L. & I watched cricket at Bootham. She went away in evening.

June 30th

E. Davies & I went to Harrogate by 20.25, took a taxi & caught the W. Suffrage procession up about 3 miles out. Only 8 or 10 + a few more joined later. Hedges gay with wild roses, lovely day & so interesting. Little meeting at Spofforth. Edith spoke. All country people so nice. Wetherby at 2.30—Edith, Mrs Percy Raye & I distributed literature round the houses till 6.0, then tired & got tea. All the people nice. Meeting 7.30. 5 or 600. Miss Beaver from N/C. spoke v. well. (Afterwards spoke to me about Mother; said they cd not do without her in Gateshead.) Other 3 ladies not so good. Mrs. Frank Rowntree motored Edith & me home. Got back 10.0 p.m.

July 1st

Children to dentist's. Bobbo had 3 second teeth stopped. Mine are improving!

July 2nd

Bobbo to Dr. Hood. He said tonsils very bad. R. was so good, & amusing. Wanted to know what everything was for. Dr. H. said chest & nose not developing properly.

July 3rd

Edna & Mrs. Crichton most kindly took us a river picnic in a steam launch, with S. & Edith Davies, Miss Rix, Miss Glaisyer, Miss Montford, Miss Fox, (Junior Mount mistresses) Mary & Barbara ?Bennett & Vida. It was a lovely evening. We left soon after 5.0 & got to Lynton about 7.0 & while we strolled about Edith & Edna set out the most beautiful supper—stuffed eggs, oyster patties, sandwiches, strawberries & cream & splendid chocolates. It was most dainty & we had delicious coffee too. We got home about 10.30, having had jolly singing en route. The whole thing was tremendously jolly & beautifully planned.

July 5th Sat.

No breakfast for poor Bobbo. I took him & Marg. a short walk. Nurse 'Brown' arrived in good time & got the nursery ready & I undressed Bobbo. Drs. Hood, Upton & Fraser arrived 10.30 & I took R. in, & held his hand until he went off. In 6 mins. his tonsils had been removed & his adenoids scraped. Latter not bad, but tonsils huge. I saw them afterwards—also "caseous" [?; carious?] Drs. all most kind. Thank God it is safely over. R. was put to bed & soon began to feel better. He was sick during the aft. but really suffered v. little & was v. good. Dr. F. came in evening & Nurse went. Marg. has got cold on her chest & not v. well. She is anaemic, & all her pretty colour has gone.

July 6th

I slept with R. last night on mattress on floor! (Dr. F. did not come) but throat fairly bad & sloughy. He got up during morning. F. looked after him while I was out with other 2.

July 8th

F. & I to Cocoa Works party about 7.0. V. nice. I had ride on engine! Strawberries & cream in new building.

July 9th

B. took me & Eva E. (who is staying night there) to Stamford Br. & Sand Hutton in motor car. In evening F. & I for short time to Municipal School "Speech Day", but cd see nothing.

July 11th

F. & I to Frank Rowntree's to see "Plots & Plans" or the Week-Enders, a comedy by K.E.T. Wilkinson. It was out of doors & was most amusing. Daisy went off this afternoon (Friday) till Monday morning, so I am busy. Got a charwoman for Sat. aft.

July 14th Mon.

I went in aft. to M/C. Had not been there since R. was a baby.

July 15th

E. & I to Disley to see new house. Will be lovely I think. Also went to see Lily at Old Hall, Cheadle. When we got back played with 'Mabel Irene' , who always beams on everyone & is very strong & jolly. Rather bald & boyish looking, but so good & sweet. Elsa does not look v. well. Ernest gt. form. He is going to be Vice Chancellor pro tem—a grt honour.

July 16th

Sick headache, so rested in morning. Can't stand all the racketing in trams etc. Bertha in aft. so went shopping with E. Met Ernest in town for tea, & got the 6.45 home. I have had a lovely time & greatly enjoyed it. Evie so kind.

July 17th

Agnes went for a fortnight's holiday. Aft. Grettons to tea. I went to a delightful supper party at Edna's.

July 19th

Got a girl of 14 "Annie Thornborrow" to help. Has not been out before, but nice. Comes at 7.30, stays till 7.0. 3/6 a wk.

July 20th Sunday

F. on long duty. Annie went home at 2.0 & D. took children out.


Senior Ex. to Bolton Abbey & Pately Br. I did not go. Took R. & M. (with Daisy) to swimming baths. M. splendid—R. still nervous.


Tea & supper & tennis at Edith Davies! Bobbo rather feverish.


Colin in bed feverish. Nice to see him & Esther again. The B's have gone a few days ago to Scarboro' . Agnes came back in aft. wh. was rather a relief.

Aug. 1st Friday

Shut up the house & all left by 2.5 train. F. R. M. & I walked to station—Daisy, baby & Agnes drove with luggage. Got an empty carriage & had an easy journey—children good. Got the slow train at Durham & reached Bensham 4.16. Brewis met us. Garden gorgeous with calceolarias, sweet peas, poppies & lobelias. Sarah Harriott waiting to greet us in hall, & her cousin Gertrude Batey who is coming to help (thanks to Mother's kind gift to all her children of £10). Everything beautiful, including a lovely tea with cakes made by Sarah, & flowers in all our rooms. Sarah & Mrs Robson had only had a week for cleaning. (Mother pays S. 2/6 a month for opening out the house & airing it once a month.)

The children went in the garden after tea & I helped A. to put them to bed. She & baby sleep in tiny room next nursery, Marg. in nursery & R. in my old room—F & I in spare room, a v. good arrangement as we cannot hear the children. I had much to attend to, & to talk to Sarah. Beatrice Jullion came up & I saw Ridley too. I felt fearfully excited & full of gratitude for our kind welcome wh. feels largely due to the influence of Father & Mother wh. seems to pervade every nook & cranny tho' they are not here. Of course we miss Mother dreadfully, but still it is so lovely here. We had a splendid night, slept from 11.0 till after 7.0. It was blissful. We have R. & M. in turn to breakfast, & R. to dinner as usual. (M. on Sundays.)

Aug. 2nd

A glorious day, almost too hot. Children revel in garden & the swing. Caro loves it & laughs so on it. She won't sit still or ride, but will trot all over the garden. F. & I to Quarries to tea. Children had it here in garden.

Aug. 3rd Sunday

V. hot. F. Bobbo & I to meeting. We had R. & M. to tea with us in garden. Gertrude went out in morning, A. & D. in evening.

Aug. 4th

Washing day. Not so hot. F. & I to Target House in aft. Also saw over Abbey & got back to supper. Trains crammed.

Aug. 5th

Gertie & Laurie to supper.

Aug. 6th

R. & M. F. & I to Maud Armstrong's to tea. V. nice.

Aug. 7th

Fine but cold. Took R. & M. to So. Shields. Plodged. F. not v. well, but the air did him good I think. M. still seems anaemic.

Aug. 8th

To Coz. Augusta's funeral. F. R. M. & I to Jullions' to tea. F. & I to Quarries to dinner to meet Charles & Stella. George, Isabel & Ernestine there too.

Aug. 9th

To "At Home" at Cousin Jennie's to meet Olive & James Macartney. Olive pretty & affectionate. Marg. Shield & Lottie, Jenny Mill (& the baby) to tea here.

Aug. 10th Sunday

Herbie & Olive to dinner. Ericssons called after tea.

Aug. 11th

Took children to park. In boat. Aunt Hope, Stella, Nelly Corder to tea. Miss Curry to tea with children in garden. They were delighted.

Aug. 12th

F. & I to stay with Jeannie in her charming cottage at Deepdale, Patterdale. Went by 10.40 to Alston. Very sunny. Walked from there over Hartside to Melmerby (10 miles) & a dog-cart met us at 4.0 o' clock. It was blissful to have a drive, for the hard road, knapsacks & heat had made us tired & footsore. Drove to Penrith about 9 miles. Got tea there. Agricultural show & fearful lot of people. Then got coach & drove to Pooley Bridge, & steamer down the Lake. Jolly, but very cold. Jeannie & Miss Macbeth met us & we had 2½ miles to walk to the cottage—about 8.30 when we got there. It is charming, a little way from high road, lovely, bit [big?] sitting room, 4 bedrooms, bathroom kitchen. Delicious supper.

Aug. 13th

Raining. Cleared in aft. & we walked up Deepdale & back over the hills.

Aug. 14th

Beautiful early on. Took 9.30 motor bus (horrid thing) to Pooley Bridge. Got a swell, 2 horse carriage there & drove 15 miles to Head of Hawes Water. Exquisite. There ate our lunch & began to walk over Kidsty Pike homewards. Mists descended, & we got wet, but Miss M. cleverly found the way & we landed down at Hayes [sic] Water & then home. Disappointing to have missed the views, but a splendid excursion.

Aug. 15th

Short walk. Aft. I lay in hammock & read. Evening went on lake. Drizzled part of time. Walked up to Aira Force, wh. was lovely in spite of not having much water in it.

Aug. 16th Sat.

Left at 9.0. I sent my rücksac [sic] by motor bus to Penrith, then F. & I walked over hills to Dockray. V. pretty, but v. hot. From D. on a road to Penruddock, 10 or 12 miles altogether. Lovely flowers. V. nice sandwiches etc. Caught 2.20 train to Penrith, then on to Carlisle, where we got tea in a café & back to N/C. about 6.30. Rather unpleasant, crowded journey. Children gave us a grt welcome home. They have got on well. Bertha & Ada kindly took R. & M. one aft. to Whitby & they had tea there & enjoyed it much. Almost directly after our arrival Miss Busby came for weekend. Maids had put flowers in our rooms & made everything nice.

Aug. 17th

Took R. & M. to meeting. M. to children's & then into big meeting. F. spoke well. Mr. Dendy to tea.

Aug. 18th

Miss B. went. Nice, quiet day. Much reading aloud of "The Divine Fire" by Mary Sinclair. Most interesting. Nice to have some time to ourselves again.

Aug. 19th

Took R. across swing bridge, watched unloading of ice from Norwegian barque. To Laing Art Gallery. Saw Father's portrait. Bertha & Ada to tea.

Aug. 20th

Read in garden. F. & I to launch of "San Tirso". Tea.

Aug. 21st

Wet in morning. Cleared in aft. Miss Curry to play with children & Atholl Wallace's son, a nice little boy.

Aug. 22nd

The 3 children, Agnes F. & I to Gertie's to tea. Edgar & Marie, Arnold & Norah there too. Our baby awfully sweet & good—'Herbert' also, a fat contented baby. V. nice visit. Sent Agnes & Caro home by 5.25—we came by trams, bringing Norah for week-end.

Aug. 23rd

Clear. Hot day. F. & I walked to Whickham to see Mrs. Sanderson & Charlotte. F exclaimed "There are the Cheviots". Convinced at last to my great joy. Evening F. & I to see "The Passing of the Third Floor Back".

Aug. 24th. Sunday

Took R. & M. & Norah to meeting. Edgar, Marie & little Arnold to dinner. Miss Rees to tea.

Aug. 25th

V. hot. Took Norah to town. Edgar met her & they were going to Thirsk in aft. Took R. & M. in aft. to Moor to see "The Wild West". Australians rode splendidly & shooting by a little girl marvellous, but I think we wd have been happier in the garden.

Aug. 26th

A gorgeous day. Bobbo & I scrubbed seats, etc, for childrens' party, 3.30—6.0. Gertie brought Constance & Winifred, Ethel Armstrong brought Luke & Davie, Hilda Sturge brought Robin & Stella Ball, & we also had Harold & Dorothy Wallace (Atholl Wallace's children). They all rushed straight to the swing & soap bubbles & had a grand time. Played [?] blackstorm too. Tea outside. Just as we finished Uncle Theo appeared. Gt. honour, but I saw little more of the children.

Aug. 27th

Let all 3 maids out for aft. & evening.

Aug. 29th

To Gertie & Laurie's to little party in evening. All sorts of games "Kate", trying to sit on a bottle & light a candle, etc, greatest number of words in ½ minute, etc. Bowman gt fun. Eva there. Nice supper of sandwiches, trifle, etc.

Aug. 30th Sat.

I did not feel up to much, so I went to meet May Gretton in aft. V. hot. She & F. & I had tea outside.

Aug. 31st Sun

Suddenly quite cold. F. & I took children a walk to Teams & sailed a boat. Baby not v. well. Eva to dinner. May, F. & I to evening meeting where F. read his paper on "Religion & Democracy". Generally about 15 there, but this night between 60 & 70. Uncle T. & Aunt Hope, Cousin Jenny, etc. All v. enthusiastic.

Sept. 1st

Got Dr. Eaton for baby. I felt v. poorly too, but managed to go in evening with May & F. by tram & train to dinner at Quarries to meet Dr. & Mrs. F. Bottomley—Sissons there & a Miss Robertson. F. sang & Mrs. Bottomley.

Sept. 2nd

I felt much worse, but struggled into town with May. Collapsed in evening.

Sept. 3rd

Sent for Dr. Williams. In bed all day.

Sept. 4th

Sent for Dr. W. again & in bed all day. May poorly too.

Sept. 5th

Got up, but lay on sofa. Agnes not v. well.

Sept. 6th

Got up to breakfast as May had to go directly afterwards. V. disappointing not to have taken her about, but have greatly enjoyed her talk.

Sept. 7th

Bed part of morning. Teresa to dinner.

Sept. 8th

Am well again, but very shaky. Took children to Quay to watch ships. Baby interested too. Saw Swing Br. open twice.

Sept. 9th

V. sorry to hear of Mr. [?] Everatt/Ewart's death. He was the nice old caretaker at Jesmond Cemetery. Doubtful day, but seemed improving, so determined to go to Tynemouth. We all went with Agnes, leaving Gertrude alone—Daisy went home yesterday for a week's holiday. We just missed the 10.31 from Bensham, so went in by tram & train, & caught a train at 11.0. At Tynemouth hired a pram for 6d, gave baby her dinner & then got her to sleep. We then had ours & plodged with children. Sea glorious colour. Baby frightened at first when she woke & did not like sand on her feet, but soon got used to it & then loved the little waves on her feet & got so excited. We left the sands about 3.30 & were home before 5.0 in time for tea. Most successful day, & I feel much better for it. Baby had a splendid night after it, but we have bad colds.

Sept. 10th

F. & I to town. Hide & seek in garden in aft.

Sept. 11th

Took R. & M. by 8.40 to N/C., thence to Corbridge. Old Roman City which is being excavated. Most interesting Museum. I have bad cold wh. made me feel stupid. At ¼ to 12 got dog-cart & drove 5 or 6 miles to Wheel Birks where Coz. Kate, Colin & Esther gave us a warm welcome. The 2 latter gave R. & M. rides on a donkey. After a delicious dinner some of us rested & then R. & M. had a drive in the donkey cart & we got grapes, tomatoes etc. Game of hide & seek in hay, tea, & drove in dog-cart to station. Home about 6.30. Children had behaved well on the whole.

Sept. 12th

Mother's & Frank's birthdays. R. gave F. a scarf he had made & M. a little mat. They were fearfully excited & both had breakfast with us; usually they take it in turns at Bensham. Dr. Eaton came to see baby. Thinks the skin of her legs is bad. She is anaemic, ought to have sea air. Seems like child of 2 yrs old in capacities & if he cd prophesy says he thinks she will be an exceptionally bright clever woman & ought to have every chance to get strong now. We felt rather depressed, but began making enquiries about lodgings at Whitley. Just before 10.0 pm Edith Ericsson telephoned to ask F. & me to motor to Bamburgh for the day; she is staying there in a cottage with a maid. I told her about baby & she at once insisted on my coming to her cottage with baby & Marg.

Sept. 13th

Rather wet. F. & I to town to pay bills, etc. I took some flowers to Mr. [?] Everatt/Ewart's grave & saw Miss [?] Everatt/Ewart—poor thing. I felt v. sad, & a new caretaker is going there. Evening to supper at Percy & Nelly's. So nice—children attractive. Percy interesting as usual—told about Father having something on his mind about property somewhere—evidently the Baines' property for wh. he was Trustee & wh. Percy knew nothing about.

Sept. 14th

V. busy packing—going away 2 days early leaves lots to do. Meeting with F. & Marg. (She likes childrens' meetings!) Marg. Temperley to tea. V. nice. Walked in garden. Marg. & Mr. Shield & the 2 boys to tea in kitchen. Children had it there too. They were v. interesting.

Sept. 15th Monday

Agnes, baby & Marg. by cab. F. Bobbo & I by train—Mr. Ericsson also to see us off. Baby, Marg. & I started by 9.45 train & reached Belford [small space left blank]. Edith E. met us with her motor car (& a friend) & we drove about 6 miles to Ingram Rd. Bamborough. Baby fell asleep. Edith kindly went back for rest of luggage & cot, & I soon had the children asleep. V. nice cottage, but for first 2 or 3 days neither of the children were well, & they cried a lot & woke each other at night, & Edith seemed bothered with them. Sitting room tiny & garden no good because of stone steps—I had bad nights & no rests, but the air was glorious & weather lovely, & we all improved. I was very happy with my bairnies on the sands: they plodged & we nearly always took their tea out to them. I bathed them by the kitchen fire, & E. & I had high tea afterwards. One aft. Edith motored us to Beadnell—directly baby saw the hens she said "Cuck, cuck". It was nice to see the place again. Another day she motored me & a Mrs. Gill to Berwick, & the maid Martha took the children out, & taught M. some little songs.

The Cottage looks on to the Castle & the sea. It is an exquisite place. Both children loved the motor car, & one day we went to aft. tea with Mrs. Dendy. Caro also loved the pug dog.

Lots of mushrooms.

Sept. 22nd

Edith motored us to Belford (baby had ½ hour's sleep first, as we were leaving cot to go to Bensham by luggage train) & we left by 12.0 train, Martha happily going as far as N/C with us. Marg. went to sleep. Mr. Ericsson met us & gave us toffee. At 2.0 we had lunch—baby's appetite is good now & she was ravenous—she never went to sleep, but behaved v. well. Train late. Agnes & Bobbo met us, & Daisy & Bessie Ransome at the door. (Daisy & Agnes were hugged by Marg.) Bessie had arrived by mistake on the 19th, 2 days after Frank & Bobbo! Poor thing. (Daisy had had a week's holiday & then in 2 days got house cleaned with a charwoman for 1½ days. F. came in about 5.30 & we had a joyful meeting, & Ber & Hugh later in evening. We' ve been away 7½ weeks, & with good nights (not during last week) etc. I feel heaps better.

Sept. 23rd

Cleared up things a little. Next few days did various things with Bessie; v. hot weather—one day with Crichtons to New Earswick for tennis (boiling day), round cocoa works, tea at Mount, played for F. at Lady Peckett's Yard (Harvest Festival) on river with children & [?] Edwina Ransome.

Oct. 1st

Bessie & I gave out women suffrage tracts at 'Strike' Meeting in evening. Rather fun. Men so nice.

Oct. 2nd

I went to Jos. Rowntree's to hear Mr. Guppy of Ryland's Library lecture on Old Manuscripts.

Oct. 3rd

Bessie left. She is a most delightful visitor & no bother, & so plucky. I have enjoyed her greatly & do admire her.

Oct. 4th

Rain at last, but cleared up. After weeks & weeks of dry weather feel quite annoyed to see rain! Took R. & M. (Frank too) by 2.45 to Holtby. Found Hugh there. Walked short way to blackberry bush & got a fair number. Had our tea with us, & got back at 6.0. Most successful little picnic.

Oct. 6th

Friends' Women's Suffrage Committee at May Rowntree's.

Oct. 10th

F's public adoption meeting—open air—not many there.

Oct. 11th

B. motored F. & me to Huttons Ambo where we had tea with Mrs. Proctor & Kathleen.

Oct. 13th

Book Meeting at Endworths. Edith David & I went. Mr. Nevinson on 'Heine' .

Oct. 14th

Daisy came back from her holiday. Agnes not v. well. I forgot that yesterday I had to propose at our W.L.A. meeting that our Assn. be affiliated to the Liberal Womens' Suffrage Union. I was v. nervous. Spoke for about 5 mins. We lost unfortunately.

Oct. 15th

Had to send Agnes home, but kept Rita on. Dr. & Mrs. Scrimgeour arrived at 3.0. V. nice. Little tea, then took them to Minster, etc. High tea at 6.0—Sturges came. Cold boiled chicken, fried fish, cakes, etc. Splendid lecture at school on Nazareth with lovely coloured slides. Curious to think of the people still thrashing their corn by hand, etc, I mean with 2 stones. Mr. Brayshaw, Hugh & Bertha to coffee afterwards. We had to turn out of our room, & F. slept on drawing room sofa.


Oct. 16th

Scrimgeours left. I wrote envelopes hard for F's address. Altogether I did over 700.

Oct. 17th

Edna & I canvassed for F. V. depressing results. F. is often speaking at 4 or 5 open air meetings in an evening. People seem to appreciate his speaking very much. Dear Aunt Emmie Richardson died this morning.

Oct. 20th

I went to funeral at Burley. Percy, Uncle Alec, Aunt Gertie, etc. there. I drove with Uncle A. & Bernard Pumphrey. Aunt E. is buried close to W.G. Forster & his wife. Just as I was starting Hugh came in & told me of Cousin David's sudden death. I canvassed in evening.

Oct. 22nd

Evie stayed with B. on her way to Cousin David's funeral.

Oct. 23rd

Anti-Vivisection meeting. Dr. Hadwen v. good but too long. Countess of Warwick there!

Oct. 24th

Took children to gardens in aft. & we saw an aeroplane. Baby quite interested. Every spare moment F. & I canvass, & we get to bed late.

Oct. 28th

Week-end Friends' Suffrage League. I went to 2 meetings. Marg. [? ] Gilbert/Gillett good.

Oct. 30th

Every spare moment of every day I canvass, canvass, canvass. Fortunately weather warm & fine—we often have no fire!!

Nov. 1st Sat.

I was in charge of a Committee room all day, except F. was there from 8.0 till ¼-9—then I went. Edith Davies there too. I got back for some dinner about 2.30, & had a hasty cup of tea at Bertha's. We had no rush at all & polled nearly all our voters. After 8.0 I came back & got some supper (F. was at the "count") & then about 9.15 Edna & I went outside the Exhibition Buildings. Huge crowd like a General Election. Met Bowes & Bertha. Other results came out & in each case Progressives had lost—Cuthbert Morrell, Arthur Wilkinson, etc. Still when a little before 10. p.m. Dodsworth, Lucas, (Conservatives) Iredale (Labour) appeared & Frank last I could hardly believe it. It was horrible. According to our promises he wd have won easily. They all thanked the Returning Officer & then I met F. & he & I & the Crichtons went to the Club room, where the defeated ones spoke. F. spoke most beautifully & in such a high tone. We are both dreadfully disappointed, & yet it will be nice for me to have him more at home.

He got several nice letters afterwards from A.S. Rowntree, Ted Harvey, Oscar R. etc. I'm sure he has done excellent work on the Council.

Nov. 4th

To school. Dr. M. Sellers lectured on "The Poor in York in Medieval & Tudor times."

Nov. 14th

B's to supper. Particularly nice visit "Birds' Nests" (Sausage & Eggs) & Banana Custard.

Nov. 15th

Masters' concert at school. F. sang "Ethiopia" & "Unterlanders Heimweh", Mr. Sturge, Mr. Whitlock & Mr. Davies did Johnny Schmoker. V. funny. Several other nice things.

Nov. 17th

F. feverish. Dr. Gostling came about 6.0.

Nov. 18th

F. in bed, but getting better.

Nov. 19th

Daisy aft. off—went to Leeds. I gave her latchkey.

Nov. 20th

F. back at school. I have a raging cold. I forgot to say that for sometime R. has made dreadful faces, so on Nov. 5th we got Dr. Fraser. She called it nervous spasms & said he ought not to go to school, or see many children but lead as dull a life as possible. I let him go in the afternoons for basket making & drawing.

[Nov. 12th

M. began to learn dancing. She picks it up quickly, but is apt to rampage!] She is the youngest & looks lovely.

Nov. 23rd

I had Michael Graham & Rex Armstrong to tea—F. did not get in till 5.30. They were jolly & talked a lot about the Masters. Michael sweet with baby & Rex with Margaret.

Nov. 24th

I had headache, ending of bad cold I expect. F. to speak at Malton on peace.

Nov. 25th

Had Liberal Executive here to coffee—16 (out of about 20) turned up nearly all men. V. successful. Coffee, sausage rolls, sandwiches & cake in drawing room at 8.0, then all went downstairs & the meeting lasted till about 10.30.

Nov. 26th

V. good symphony orchestra concert. New conductors Miss Knocker & Dr. Bairstow. Miss Caroline Hatchard splendid soprano, pure & clear.

Nov. 27th

Albert Library Annual Social. F. cd not go, so I actually did! 16 yrs. ago since darling A. died.

Nov. 28th

F. & I actually began our Xmas shopping. Rowntree's shop fascinating.

Nov. 29th

F. & I to matinee of "Milestones" (by Arnold Bennett & Ed. Knoblaugh [sc. Knoblauch or Knoblock]. Enjoyed it v. much—3 [?] centuries [this word could be countries] 1860 – 1885 & 1912. [The play has a triptych structure, being set in three periods.]

Nov. 30th

While putting the children to bed, as I was drying Bobby, he said "Let me kiss you, Mother. I love kissing you, because I do love you so much." He then went on "I'm not sure if I' ll ever get married." I said "Why not", & he replied "Because you don't want me to, do you"?

Dec. [sic]

Lecture on 'Birds' by Oxley Grabham. Most interesting.

Dec. 12th

Lecture at Mount by Mr. Griffith Taylor, leader of Western Party, Capt. Scott's Antarctic Expedition. Wonderful slides & most interesting, but sad too.

Dec. 13th

Bowes & Bertha kindly took me to Leeds to see "What the Public wants" by Arnold Bennett. Went by 6.15 train & got back at 11.30 p.m. Poor Bobbo sobbed when I went, but he is just getting over a feverish attack. Very good play—really skit on 'Daily Mail' & Harmsworth. I enjoyed it greatly.

Dec. 14th Sunday

F. sang at school reading most beautifully "In the fields with their flocks abiding."

Dec. 15th

Mount 'show' . Junior school work good. F. & I went up tog. & got some tea!

Dec. 16th

Junior School songs & games. Charming. Dia "King Alfred". St. Peter's Theatricals. Poor.

Dec. 17th

Bootham show 5–7 for 1st time. I took R. & we listened to a good lecture by a boy on birds with slides of his own taking.

Dec. 18th

"Midsummer Night's Dream." Excellent.

Dec. 19th

Boys went home & F. & I got some shopping done. Lovely to have him free & with no Council meetings.

Dec. 10th

Jeannie came for the week-end.

Dec. 24th

Notes to Santa Claus. Gt. excitement, but none of the children have been well. Baby getting eye-teeth. R. has had another feverish attack, & M. not well, I think due to getting her back double teeth.

Daisy went home after tea to return to-morrow before tea.

Mother left Australia we expect.

Dec. 25th Xmas Day

It seemed queer to get up & prepare breakfast (Yule doos etc). Had all children in our bed opening stockings. Agnes took baby to Bertha's for her morning sleep, F. & I followed later with R. & M. Beautiful dinner. I got a rest, then tea, then lovely Christmas tree, & Bowes dressed up as Father Xmas came thro' window. Children awestruck, & mine never found out who he was. Carols. Bertha & Bowes came to us to supper. Daisy & Agnes had been allowed a friend each too, but A. did not have one. Very successful day & B. & B. so kind.

Boxing day.

F. & I went the walk. Enjoyed it greatly, tho' rained all the time. Bowes, Ken [Ber?], etc. great fun—about 18 or 20 of us. Tea at Mrs. Crowther's. She lent us dry stockings, etc. Got back at 6.0. Daisy had taken charge of children as Agnes had aft. remaining out (till 11.0). F. put R. & M. to bed.

Dec. 30th

The A. R's & Arnold R's had a large fancy dress party at the school. Bowes as Moor excellent, & Ber good as his wife. Dancing to gramophone. Silly games.

Dec. 31st

Read poems but too weary to sit up.

All the children are recovering. Xmas has done them good I think. Evie & Ernest to dinner. So nice to see them.



Jan. 1st

The last day or two hard frost & much snow. Took children on a tea tray in the gardens. Gt. fun. Aft. F. & I got a little bad skating. I enjoyed it as I have not skated since we were married 9½ years ago!

Jan 2nd

Thaw began.

Jan. 3rd

F. went to Birmingham to a meeting. Visitors to tea.

Jan. 5th

Bobbo to stay at Bertha's, after seeing me off, (at least coming to the station & then going home alone) by the 2.20 train to Birmingham. Not v. nice journey. F. met me at 5.25 & we went by tram to Woodbrooke to the Teachers' Guild—about 100 there. I enjoyed it very much, & it was a rest to get away from home. Meetings good. Art Gallery, etc. Returned home on Jan. 7th, arriving about 6.0. It seems v. quiet without Bobbo.

Jan. 11th Sunday.

F. & I by motor car, 3.30 to Pickering. Bitterly cold. Mistaken time & had ages to wait at Edwin Burtts. Tea. V. dull. F. spoke on 'John Bright' at ¼ to 8.0 & we got home at 10.0 p.m.

Jan. 13th

Bobbo reluctantly came home. One night he was sick at Bertha's & actually never woke, neither did Betty who was sleeping in the same room. Dia & Betty take it in turns to sleep with him.

Jan. 14th

Drizzly, but F. & I took R. right round the walls.

Jan. 15th

Esther came. She took Bobbo to B. & B's great party for Liberal Children at Cocoa Works, & I went to bring them back. Gt. success.

Jan. 16th

R. had a very happy 7th birthday & some nice presents. We only gave him a 6d photo frame—Agnes & Daisy a very nice birthday book, Ruth sent 3/6, etc. He had Jacqueline, John & Don R. Betty, Dia, Colin (Esther was here) & Robert Smith to tea, 4 – 6 – 3d etc. in girdle cakes. Played with trains, etc, & after tea nuts & may [I think she means Nuts in May], & musical chairs, etc. When R. went to bed he said "I think a birthday's rather too exciting!"

Jan. 18th

R. began to be feverish again, (102° at night) & had a v. bad cough. V. disappointing, as he seemed so well after Bertha's.

Jan. 20th

F. & I to hear "The Magic Flute" by Mozart. Took Mrs. Worthington to 3/- seats (stalls). Enjoyed it immensely.

Jan. 27th

Q.M. began. Canon Graner [?] & Richd Cross, Sarah E stayed night with us.

Jan. 28th Wed.

I got to no meetings, because waiting for Dr. Fraser to see Bobbo. Frank & I were host & hostess at the dinner in Peckitt St. I sat by Aunt Gertie. Sarah went home & Eva stayed night with us.

Jan. 29th

Went to part of morning meeting. Jeannie to dinner. Jeannie & Eva to high tea. Then Eva went home.

Jan. 30th

Made galantine, choc. Cream, etc. Bowes went up to London in morning—I by 2.20—F. saw me off. Frightfully excited. Train late, reached King's X about 6.20. Bowes met me, & gave me a delicious supper in an Italian restaurant. Then to Maskelyne & Devants till ¼ to 10. Tremendous fun. Bowes went on platform & I laughed till the tears streamed down my face. There was a woman who did some wonderful sort of thought reading, then a man imitated animals, then the motor cycle disappeared in a box; a 'ghost' disappeared, then card tricks on Bowes & another man; the disappearing donkey, etc. I enjoyed it hugely. Then train to Tilbury which we reached about ¼ to 12! & nice bedrooms (4/- each) looking on to river. Too excited to sleep well.

Jan. 31st Sat.

Cup of tea in bed. Waiting for tender at ¼ to 8. & the man would not let us on it & then it went without us. 'Orsova' had come in about 7.30 a.m. We had to take a small boat—Mother saw us coming & we were soon revelling in having her blessed presence safely back among us. Oh, it is perfect, & I do feel thankful for this mercy. We spoke to Mrs. Knox Lyal too & about 9.15 got away on the tender & went to Tilbury Hotel for some refreshing breakfast. Special train after 11.0 to St. Pancras. (About ¾ hr) Went to King's X. Mother tired & I hoped she wd rest while Bowes went off on business, but Charles & Stella suddenly arrived & took us shopping in their gorgeous motor car. Got the 1.40 (with Bowes) North. Travelled in luxury 1st class. V. Good dinner. Edgar & family met us at Grantham, & at York about 6.0 o' clock were Bertha, Dia, Betty, Evie, Ernest, Elsa, Erica & Hugh. 2 cabs. Frank & Bobbo came to top of street to see Mother. Then she went to Burton Croft (& Erica), E & E. to Hugh's & Elsa stayed with us.

Feb. 1st Sunday.

Fortunately still v. mild. After dinner to see Mother's sketches at Burton Croft. They are really beautiful. It, Tasmania, does look a lovely place. Erica, Elsa & Molly to tea. Mother, Evie & Ernest & Elsa to supper & Hugh.

Feb. 2nd

W.S. meeting, etc.

Feb. 3rd Tuesday.

Mother, Marg, Caro, Agnes & I by 2.0 to N/C. (Weiss's went away yesterday). F. & Ber saw us off & poor little Bobbo, who has begun school again. Reached N/C. 3.45 & met by Aunt H. Uncle T. Aunt Car, Teresa & Marg. White drove out in 2 cabs, & at the door were the Jullions, Brewis, Ethel & Jane, the flag was waving & Jane & Brewis had made a great red & white "Welcome home" & stuck it over the door. It was so lovely, & the house looked truly exquisite. J. & E. have worked hard. It was so damp, they had to sleep in kitchen the first night!

Miss Maughan & Miss Curry came down, & Miss M. hugged Mother! Mother has had a beautiful welcome. Next few days busy with callers, etc, showing Mother's sketches, many people to tea. Jane & Ethel getting on just as well as when there were 3. Ethel cooks. It seems queer without dear old Elizkin though.

On Feb. 6th Bobbo came for week-end, anxious to be with me on my birthday. I met him in N/C. at 3.45 & he had managed the journey very well all alone. He hopped out of the train before I saw him with his luggage" (a basket) & we came out here by tram. He slept with me, & made me sleep with the present he had bought me under my pillow. When I went to bed at 10.0 he half-opened his eyes & said very sleepily "Many happy returns of the day". Next morning first thing I had to open the present (a little game). On top of it was a bit of choc. wh. F. had given him to eat in the train—he had only eaten one piece. I had a nice birthday, tho' 39. Mother gave me "The Parents' Book" & I got several letters. Uncle Theo came to lunch & brought me preserved fruits, & I chose potato pud for dinner!

On Feb. 9th Bobbo went home so as to go to school. Mother & I saw him off at 12.20. Poor wee laddie, he was rather 'wae' [?Scottish & Northern dialect for 'woe' ], but he is so good & sweet & often says "I do love Mother & Father". "Mother is the chief person in the world"! He took sandwiches with him! Mother & I in evening to lecture by Dean Henson on "Witchcraft"—walked down Lit. & Phil. with the swells.

Feb. 10th

Mother & I drove up (with children) to Low Fell to see about carriage arrangement for Mother. She is to have a 'Victoria' , for £3 a week—man in livery. If wet, another vehicle will be sent. In aft. Mother & I drove to the C.O. S. meeting in "our carriage" feeling quite swell! We did not have it back, & Sir Thos. Oliver drove us over in his motor car. It is lovely to see the warm welcome Mother gets everywhere.

Feb. 11th

Drove to Quarries to tea with children. They were so good. Drove back again.

Feb. 13th

Aft. Mother, Marg. & I had nice visit to Marg. Shield & saw Bertha's nice house.

Feb. 16th

To Vigilance meeting with Mother in Council Chamber (Gateshead). Mrs. Higgs spoke. Morning drove to children to say goodbye to Aunt Nelly, Aunt Hope & Aunt Car.

Feb. 14th (This shd have come earlier!)

Mother, M. & I went to Backworth & had tea with the Mowats. They were so nice, & have moved into such a nice house.

Feb 17th Tues.

We all left by 1.44 train, Mother coming as far as Thirsk where she has gone for a night with the Edmundsons. Frank met us, & is very glad to have us back, & Marg. & Caro are so much better, & Bobbo looks well.

F. & I had a scrimmage to get off to a Kipling evening at the Adams' . F. sang "Kabul River" & "Sailing down to Rio".

Feb. 21st

To B's to dinner to meet John Dillon. Very little talk with him. He has a fine face. Good meeting—his speech on Home Rule. Bowes in chair.

Feb. 22nd

Southall & Lamb to tea. [?] Meyer & Hugh to supper. Most interesting talk.

Feb. 23rd

W.L.A. Comtee. Evening to "Iphigenia in Tauris" in Tempest Anderson Hall. Mrs. Penelope Wheeler very good as Iphigenia. Beautiful performance.

Feb. 25th Sat.

Took R. to Scarboro' by 12.45 to look for lodgings. Muggy day—went ½ hr in boat. Got back about 6.0 very tired. Concert in evening at school. Kathleen Procter, Stephen P & Miss Coverdale.

March 2nd

It is truly being a marvellous winter, so mild & dry. Half term holiday, so Edna, Davie, R. M. & I started 2.30, to So. Bank train, then walked thro' fields to Bishopthorpe. Reached Ferryman's Cottage about 4.10 & had v. good tea with hot tea cakes (about 8d each). Then ferried river & walked to Fulford. Got home at 6.0.

March 4th

F. to C.G.C. in London.

March 5th.

Grt bridge party at Bertha's. got back ¼ to 1.0 am!

March 11th

B. & I to little play written by Mrs Parkinson called 'Gabrielle' .


Took children to Edith Davies' —played in garden.


M's birthday party. 6 or 8 little girls to tea. Very happy day for her.




Poetry competition at Mount. Hugh, Edna, & Mrs. [?] Purser judges.


Lit. & Debating at Retreat. F. cd not go. V. good paper on "Yeats" by Miss Ramsey, & lovely little play of his called "The Land of Heart's Desire".

22nd Sunday.

F. & I to Edith Davies' to supper.


Darling Mother arrived in aft. The children & I met her. Philip Baker to tea.


Mother & I shopped. She went to B's to dinner. Hugh to high tea. At 7.20 we had a meeting of Guildhall W.L.A. About 11 members turned up. I had coffee, sandwiches, sausage rolls & cakes. Mother gave a beautiful address on Jos. Butler which was much liked—about ¾ hour.

Mrs. Worthington said "Your mother has a fine face". Poor Mother got v. tired, but it was so kind of her to do it.


Mother left at 12.13 for Disley. It has been perfect having her. Caro very feverish & had to be nursed all afternoon.


W.S. Comtee, W.L.A. Social in evening—Caro better, but not well. I had headache.


B. took F. & me in motor round by Pocklington & Bishop Wilton, about 2 hours. Found a few primroses.


To Bach's Passion music. V. fine, but I was tired out. Agnes Nicholls, F Mullings, etc.

April 4th

B. & B. took me a long motor drive to Otley & back by Harrogate. I'm not feeling very well.

Good Friday.

Let D. out for aft. F. to Ackworth for the night. Children & I to B's to tea.

Easter Monday.

Let Agnes out most of day, as we are not going to Ackworth. Aft. F. & I took bairns to Fulford by tram, & had a little walk by the river.

April 15th

Left D. to do spring cleaning (she had a friend in to help for 7 days) & we went to Sleights by morning train. Got there about 12.0 & had a long, tiring walk, about 1½ miles up a steep hill to Mrs. [?] Nobb's/Hobb's/Noble's, Blue Bank. Baby walked & went in go-cart, & luggage came in a 'tub' . Very hot. 2 sitting rooms & 2 bedrooms for wh. we pay £2.5.0 weekly, fires etc. all included. Rather pokey rooms. Can see Whitby when clear, about 5 miles off. We stayed here nearly 3 weeks, & had perfect weather, very hot, & hardly a drop of rain. It did all the children a grt deal of good, & they loved it. R. became much more boyish, & he & Marg. were perfectly happy often playing trains, etc. in the horrid little garden by the pigs. They were out before breakfast. I found the hills extremely trying & driving was nearly impossible which was a pity. However I felt much better at the end of the time. I have never seen better wild flowers. We found masses of primroses, forgetmenots, violets, gorse, broom, & before we left blue bells were just out. We collected 30 or 40 different kinds of flowers. We went many whole days' excursions, baby included, & nursed her to sleep in our arms at about 12.0 o' clock. She became a splendid walker, & once we left the go cart behind, & carried her when necessary. Also several times we took tea out, & made a fire & boiled a kettle. Once we took them in to Whitby. They had a splendid holiday. Personally I was very glad to get home on

May 4th Monday.

(I had let Agnes go home for the Saturday evening, Sunday & most of Monday). Daisy had got everything most beautifully done, as usual, leaving nothing for me, but she looks tired.

May 5th

Bootham re-opened.

May 16th Sat.

Took R. & M. in boat at 4.30 & had tea on Clifton Ings—then rowed back. Marsh marigolds lovely. I am feeling much better now.

May 18th Monday.

Mother came to dinner & directly after she & I left for London, for Y.M. B. is v. kindly having Marg. till Friday, & then Robert instead of her. It was scorchingly hot, & though we had an easy journey both Mother & I had bad headaches when we arrived at Whitehall Hotel, Bloomsbury Sq. Nice & quiet, but we had to share a bedroom that night.

May 19th

Went with Mother to part of a National W.L.A. meeting, Lady Bryce presiding. Cd not hear well. Then to Water Colour Exhibition (wh. Mother always loves) & lunch at Eustace Miles' where Mrs. Mills joined us. At 3.0 to Womens' Meeting of Y.M. at wh. Dora Clark & Gertrude Taylor spoke well on education of girls. In evening, late, F. arrived. Mother changed her room & he and I slept tog. Mother is most kindly paying every farthing for us.

May 20th

F. Mother & I to Academy. V. nice. Then to Y.M. Poor lunch at Slater's. Aft. I took Esther to British Museum, & to get an ice, etc. & saw her off at Victoria. Missed some interesting Y.M. meetings & felt utterly exhausted with the heat.

May 21st

Y.M. Evie arrived after lunch (Ernest in evening) & she, Mother, Charlie Weiss & I went to Chelsea Flower Show in Charles Merz's motor car wh. he lent us for aft. Glorious flower show, but oh, the heat. Mother & I drove to tea with Charles, & saw Stella & the babe & all over the splendid house. Then drove down to 'Australian tea' —stopped 20 mins. by Mrs. Pankhurst's arrest—where Mother spoke beautifully & looked lovely.

May 22nd

Shopped with Evie at wonderful Selfridge's, then with Ernest & Mother to Kew Gardens. V. expensive lunch in a pretty place near the river. Gardens lovely, but heat so great that we said goodbye to the 'E's & lay down under the trees to rest. Then a weary journey back, & Mother to Y.M. Ernest introduced us to some nice Americans in hotel—Prof [?] Machan & his wife.

May 23rd

At last cooler. I am thankful. Aft. Mother & I to see "Justice".

May 24th

Darling Caro's 2nd birthday. The E's went home. Mother & I for the day to see the Whites at Aspley Guise. V. nice visit but got back late. Quite cold.

May 25th

Interesting Y.M. Fuss by Ulster Friends. R. Mennell gave us lunch & was so jolly. Meetings all day & in evening to see wonderful cinematograph pictures of Scott's expedition.

May 26th Tues.

Shopped. Took Mother to Bowes' restaurant for lunch! Then reluctantly left her alone (till Friday when she comes to B's for Y.M.) & arrived home at 5.45. Nice to drive in hansom, after tubes & taxis. Children pleased to see me. Baby looks grown & developed. F. had put lovely carnations in bedroom. He came in to high tea.

May 29th

Sarah Edmundson arrived to stay.

May 30th Sat.

V. nice picnic. Mother, B. & B. & Hugh & Molly & Dora C, Laurie, Sarah, Eva, F. & me. Warm but not sunny. V good tea at Lord Nelson's. After getting back, Mother, B. & I went straight to Mount meeting.

May 31st

5 to dinner—over 30 to tea. I put children to bed. I had a charwoman all day till after tea, & yesterday aft.

June 1st

Lovely day. Took children to prize giving & cricket match. 4 to dinner. Daisy managed well for there was no one to help her. Did not enjoy Mount, except tennis wh. was good. Nice meeting. Supper at little tables, & dance afterwards. F. & I came away about 10.0. Don't like the dance.

June 2nd

Ber took Mother & me long motor drive to Crayke, Helmsley, Kirby Moorside etc. Started 11.30 & got back about 5.0.

Had got a charwoman for ½ day to clean drawing & dining rooms, but she didn't come.

June 3rd

Mother went home.

June 6th

Used Bootham swimming bath for first time with R. & M. & helped to teach them to swim. It was simply lovely, & R. is much braver now.

June 9th

B. & B. went to [?] Germany for 3 weeks. R. M. & I saw them off. Yesterday v. busy seeing over 2 hours in Clifton Dale & Trenfield. Also Suffrage lady, [?] Mlle. Stes to stay night.

June 16th

Daisy, alas, left. New maid—Harriet Webster—asked if she need not come till to-morrow, so though I had breakfast, dinner & rooms to do, I quite enjoyed it. Heat is very great. I wish it would come cooler.


Harriet came about 3.p.m. Is 38. I took R. & M. to Gala at ¼ to 6 till 7.0. Glorious flower show, & they loved the merry-go-round, etc. M. got a gold fish, & R. made good shots at things. They each took 6d or 7d of their own, & I paid some things for them too.


Harriet is fearfully cross.


Frank finally took 8 Clifton Dale at £35 a year. We are to have it free till Sept. 1st as it needs much doing up.


Hugh sent us a drive to get wild roses, but they are rather over. Molly, R. M. Vida C. & I went round by Acomb & Dringhouses.

Next week or two very busy getting scullery built on to house, & papering, painting, etc, done.

July 6th

I took Agnes, Marg. & Caro to Scarboro' . Very nice rooms at Mrs. Smith's—sitting room & bedroom 6/- per day for the 3 of them. All had tea tog. & then I came home.

July 9th

Had carpets & big bed moved to new house by Hunter & Smallpage.

July 10th Friday.

A very hot day. Men came at 8.0. a.m. & we had a tremendous time moving. Of course F. was at school part of the day. Bobbo, F. & I went to Ber's to dinner & tea. She & Edna were most kind in helping. 1 horse & van, 5 or 6 men. They did not finish till 7 o' clock. Great squash in dining & drawing rooms, but bedrooms better, & tiny garden. Scullery not ready yet.

July 11th Sat.

Very, very busy—F. & I had lunch in town. R. at B's. Agnes had to take M. & C. to new lodging wh. she knew of, & they all 3 slept in 1 bed!

July 12th Sunday.

Harriet prepared no dinner, & was furious with me, said I hadn't ordered any. F. & I out to tea & supper.

July 13th

Harriet determined to depart in 3 days. While men busy laying stair carpets, & joiners working too, in aft. Agnes & children arrived. Awful business.

July 15th

Harriet went (thank goodness) after behaving disgracefully. Fortunately I got a day girl—Bella Goodall—at 6/6 a week—she comes at 7.0 but only stays till 5 or 6. Does quite nicely.

July 17th

Mother to stay with Bertha for week-end.

Agnes went for holiday. I got a v. nice nurse Robinson for 2 weeks.

July 18th

Mother to tea. We had it in the garden for 1st time! & felt quite proud. Also Edith Cooper from Polam, whom we engaged as a governess.

July 19th Sunday.

I began to be poorly, & had to come out of meeting feeling faint & sick. Rob. calmly stayed in. F. went to B's to supper, but I couldn't go.

July 20th

In bed. Got Dr. Fraser. Bella got me a charwoman whom I had never seen, & then had to go home for the day. It was so awkward. Mother & B. came to see me.

July 21st

In bed all day.

July 22nd

F. at cricket all day. I got up before dinner to see Evie, Erica & baby for a few mins (they were going to Bensham). Felt very weak & stupid.

July 24th Friday.

Bella came to get breakfast ready, & then said she must go as her Father had just died. So I had to get up directly afterwards, & she sent another new charwoman. If nurse was not so splendid at helping in all kinds of ways, I don't know what I'd do. She is so kind, & good with the children.

July 25th

I feel much better & we are getting on alright. The charwoman comes at 7.0. V. anxious, because letter from Mother saying cablegram from Hobart last night to say "Ruth undergoes exploratory operation to-morrow (that is, to-day). 2 Drs. urgent advice". Her last letter spoke of having been 5 or 6 weeks in bed with enlarged liver, fearful perspirations at night, etc. Had a nurse & poor Edmund had to sleep on sofa. If she has been in bed ever since it must be now nearly 3 months.

July 26th

No more news, so feel a good deal more hopeful.

July 27th Monday

I was busy ironing in the morning, when Bertha came & showed me the terrible telegram (R. had stood operation well), that Ruth has malignant growth on the liver, hopeless & may linger a few months. We both sat & sobbed & sent a telegram of sympathy to Edmund from us all at York. It was a terrible day. B. went to Bensham in evening. It is a mercy Evie is there to have been helping Mother; she intends to go to Hobart at once.

July 28th

Had to go out; when I got back at ¼ to 1.0 found telegram that "Ruth is sinking fast, unconscious, Mother not going." I was miserable, & determined to go to Bensham by the 2.5. When F. came in before 1.30, he insisted on my having some dinner & then Brian Sparkes turned up, but we left him & had a cab & found Bowes going by the same train. Got home about 4.0 & found darling Mother & Ber sitting in garden. Mother very brave, but dreadfully troubled, not being able to go, but just waiting in suspense. Evie & children came in later. E's telegram to me was not quite right. It really was that Ruth was sinking slowly, comatose, might linger 10 days", so of course, Mother decided not to go. Lawrie & Gertie came in evening. Difficult to sleep well.

July 29th

Mother, B., Erica & the baby & I went a drive thro' Ravensworth. When we got back there was this telegram, "Ruth slightly better. Sleeping mostly. Little pain, takes liquid nourishment well. Sends love." I felt this greatly encouraging for it shows she is conscious again. Telegrams cost 3/- a word & it is so hard not to be able to hear more. I came back by 2.0 train & F. met me at 3.45. It has been nice seeing Evie, Erica & Mabel Irene. She is a wonderfully good baby, & Erica so good too. R. & M. out but gave me warm welcome when they came in. Presentation to Hugh in evening, but I did not go.

July 30th

Had Hugh, Esther, Dia, Betty & baby Will to tea in garden.

July 31st

Packed a good deal.

Aug. 1st Sat.

Agnes came after breakfast & we said goodbye to Nurse Robinson, who has been most kind & helpful. Had dinner at 12.30 & left by a crowded train at 2.5 for N/C. F. was going to J. Watson Rowntree's at Scarboro' for weekend, as he has to give a Sunday evening address. Bertha very kindly met us, tho' we nearly missed in the crowd, & we all drove out to find Mother sitting by the front door in gt anxiety as we were nearly ½ hour late. She looked worn, & there has been no further message from Hobart. The Weiss family left for Norway on July 30th, leaving baby Mabel at Bensham which is nice. Yesterday the war fever spread, but England is still not involved. It has all begun in a great hurry—between Austria & Servia & now France & Germany; a meeting about it in York last night. It is very terrible, & seems to have little cause—shooting of Austrian heir & his wife by a Servian the culminating point, but Germany had promised to help Austria.

Bertha departed about 6.30 for York (she was so sweet: her children have gone on to Whitby & then I unpacked a little & Mother & I were just beginning dinner at 7.30 when she suddenly said she felt ill & had terrible pain. We at once got her to bed & I telephoned for Dr. Stewart & sent for a hot water bottle, etc. Maids were awfully good. It was muscular rheumatism in side & breast, not serious, but terribly painful. Huge linseed poultice began to relieve & Jane slept in M's room, & put one on during night. Poor little M. next morning woke at 5.0 to find herself in another room & wandered along to see what had happened. I had felt very anxious.

Aug.2nd Sunday

Depressing day—Mother in bed, sleeping & sort of stunned, children went a drive, & I put them to bed in evening. "Gertrude" asked if I was going to read (Bible) but as there were 5 of them it seemed too formidable. She says they always look forward to it.

Aug. 3rd Bank Holiday.

Frank arrived, to my joy, during morning. Mother up, better, & actually went in garden. Aft. F. R. M. & I a drive. In evening a better account of Ruth, thro' Charles Merz's office. Aunt H. & Uncle T. called.

Aug. 4th

Cablegram to say "Ruth slightly better. Sleeps well, ignorant of result of operation. Dr. thinks Mother might arrive in time." F. & I telephoned to B. & B. about it. During night cd not sleep, because of men shouting that England has declared war on Germany. It is wicked & awful. Lord Morley, Burns & C.P. Trevelyan have resigned.

Aug. 5th Wed.

Children had a 1st riding lesson. Awful to read that we are really to be at war & with Russia & Servia & France, against Germany & Austria. If only it was agst Russia. F. went to York to consult B. & B. about Hobart. Feel sure Mother is not fit to go, & Ber perhaps will, but seas not safe now, alas.

Heard that the Weiss' are coming back from Norway by 1st boat they can get.

Aug. 6th Thurs.

While still in bed, Evie, Ernest, Erica & Elsa arrived back from Norway. Poor things, they were worn out & had had a dreadful experience, cd not get £5 notes changed, so dare not spend money on seeing things in Bergen & hardly got enough to eat. Saw Cap. Krohn & Norwegians v. kind. Came back on very overcrowded steamer. Challenged at mouth of Tyne.

Aug. 7th

Ernest had to go to M/C. R. M. Frank & I drove along old coach road, then walked to Hill Head (hiding tea on way) came back & had tea under a hedge during gt shower, then got the "Victoria", wh. Mother had kindly sent back for us, home. Caro calls it "the strawberry cab" & loves it. (I believe it was the 6th we did this).

Aug. 9th Sunday.

Dr. Hadow to tea.

Aug. 10th

Riding. The children are getting on well & love it now. R. was terrified at first. 3/6 each for about an hour. Evening F. & I to Quarries to dinner. Mr. Moyley & Prof. Gilchrist there. V. nice. F's songs much appreciated.

Aug. 11th

Evie, Elsa, Erica, F. R. M. & I went to Whitley—they all bathed, & Mar. dipped properly. Nice lunch on rocks, then tram to Tynemouth. Saw some trenches, but not much of the war preparations. Got back 4.20—Hugh & Mrs. Knox Lyal to tea.

All people nearly are busy making garments for wounded. Meeting house in N/C. made into a sewing place! Bootham & Mount turned into hospitals, also College here & so on.

Aug. 12th

Recd cable sent off Aug. 8th. "Little change, rather stronger, sleeping fairly well, probably move her from hospital next week. [This was inserted above the following text.]

Mother, F.R.M. & I by 10.50 to Stocksfield. Drove to Wheel Birks. Molly, Colin & Esther all sweet. Walk in wood. Gorgeous dinner (most people are beginning to have plain food because of war!) & then most of us had a rest. Hide seek [sic] in barn. Drove back after tea to catch 5.25.

Aug. 13th

Evie, Eric, & darling baby Mabel & the nurse went back to M/C. Elsa still here. F. to Northern Peace Board at Leeds.

Aug. 14th

All of us to Jullions to tea. Bowes turned up to dinner, also Polish lady, Miss Smidt, on her way back to Russia thro' Norway.

Aug. 17th Mon

When F. & I got back fr. the park with the children (they did enjoy the maze & birds, Caro quite excited) found this cablegram: "Thanks for remittance. Ruth weaker sleeps poorly removing from hospital Tuesday very restless. Edmund Gower".

We felt very depressed, as we had been feeling more hopeful.

Mother & I went to see Elsa off to stay at Oldstead. She has been so good & helpful. Aunt N. & Denys to tea.

Bertha sent a cablegram to E. on the 18th I think, to say she could start for Hobart next week.

Thursday. Aug. 20th

We little knew that this day our darling Ruth died. We were anxiously waiting for reply to B's wire.

Aug. 21st

Children had a riding lesson. In aft. I drove in with them to see Frank off to stay week-end with Jeannie at Patterdale. He had a tiresome journey, as owing to war trains altered & last bus & steamer off, so he had to take a dog cart part way.

Aug. 22nd Sat.

In morning B. sent on wire "Very thankful to have Bertha, but no hope be in time". It was terribly depressing. Children with Agnes & Ethel drove & took tea to Washing Well Woods.

Aug. 23rd Sunday.

Mother not up to going to meeting. I walked in with R. & M. by swing bridge. Very hot. Teresa, Denys & Edith Ericsson to dinner.

Aug. 24th Mon.

Decided to stay in garden with children in case a wire shd come. Mother & all of us were picking sweet peas to send to workhouse quite happily baby helping too, & at about 10.15 I came in to get a pair of scissors. As I went round to front door, I met Percy in black, looking very sad, coming in at the gate, & I knew what had happened, & went to bring the precious Mother in. The cablegram was: "Dear Ruth passed away peacefully and painlessly this evening. Edmund Gower" 6.50 p.m. 20th. Aug. So she had really died last Thursday, & we had only just heard. It did seem cruel.

Percy was sweet to poor Mother, & he said he wd sent telegrams to the rest of the family, & then Mother & I wrote letters. The maids were so sympathetic. Jane kissed us both. The day seemed v. long, for there was so little one cd do, but Uncle T. & Aunt H. came after tea, as sweet as always, & afterwards Mother & I wrote to Edmund. Frank kindly arrived about 9.0 p.m. having left Patterdale as soon as possible after getting telegram.

Aug. 25th

It is a help & comfort to have F. & thanks to him we are arranging a little meeting for to-morrow. We have no idea when the funeral was. F. & I drove in to meet Bertha who came about 10.30, I think, & she & I had a few things to do in town. Wrote & telephoned to various people about to-morrow.

Aug. 26th Wed.

B. & I did flowers, nearly all white sweet peas in drawing room. F. put green asparagus fern round Ruth's portrait, & we got out things she had made & photos, etc. Bowes came in morning. Evie arrived about 2.30 or 3. Fanny Pumphrey kindly had the children to tea. People came at 4.0. Aunt H., Uncle T. Isabel R. Denys, Jullions, Lena & Dolly, Molly, Colin & Esther, Percy & Nelly, Cousin Sally, Gilbert R, Lawrie & Gertie, Alfred Brown.

Service about 20 mins. Bowes read Evie's lovely poem, then silence, then Lawrie read 90th psalm. Alfred Brown spoke, & F. read Father's poem written for Uncle Joe's funeral at Florence, which was so appropriate just changing the pronouns. Percy spoke so beautifully & Mother said a few words, & there was a good deal of silence. It was beautiful, & we were all here except Ernest & Hugh. There was tea before they went. Evie, Bertha & Bowes stayed night.

Aug. 27th

Bowes went back. Wrote letters. Mother is getting such a lot all speaking of Ruth's great charm & vivacity.

Aug. 28th

I saw Evie & Ber off.

Aug. 29th Sat.

Mother, F. & I to Burnstones Hotel, Slaggyford for week-end. Started in morning. F. walked from Haydon Bridge, 16 or 17 miles. Mother & I got there before dinner & had a tiny walk on moor, after driving from station (over a mile). Lady & gentleman & 2 boys staying there & we cd not get a private sitting room, but nice bedrooms, bathrooms etc. 4/- a day. Aft. rest. After tea tried to sketch but midges terrible & when F. appeared a little before 6.0 we gave it up.

Aug. 30th. Sun.

Rather wet, cleared & we went to see a pretty small waterfall. Rowan berries glorious. Evening beautiful walk on other side of river.

Aug. 31st

Started in dog cart at 10.0 for Alston & Nenthead, about 11½ miles to bathe. Glorious morning & country exquisite, but weather grew gloomy & Mother got very depressed before we got back at 5.0 o' clock.

Sept. 1st Tuesday.

Walked to Eals, crossed river at exquisite place, & then great scramble up to waterfall, & back by top road. Aft. short walk. Left soon after tea & got home about 9.0. Children all well but asleep.

Sept. 3rd

F. went to Leeds, Northern Friends' Peace Board & to stay with Evie till Sat. then to Vipont Browns, to speak at the Sunday evening meetings on peace. I heard later from the Browns how very helpful he had been. It was a splendid meeting—about 750 [? That's what it looks like, would that be possible?] there, not nearly all Friends. This day was beautiful & sunny, so Agnes & I took the 3 children to Tynemouth, early. We walked straight to short sands, & spent the rest of the time there. The sea was heavenly & except for barbed wire & soldiers about in the morning the sands were nearly empty. The children & Agnes bathed, but baby did not seem quite herself, rather languid. However it was a successful day, & we got home about 4.30.

Sept. 4th

Neither Caro nor Bobbo v. well—latter feverish—C. has diarrhoea.

Sept. 5th

C. not at all well. R. better.

Sept. 6th Sunday.

Took R. & M. to meeting. Baby so poorly that I got Dr. Stewart in aft. She may only have water & white of egg, (1 pt. to 1 white) or barley water—nothing else at all.

Sept. 7th

C. still not well. F. got home in evening.

Sept 8th

C. a good deal better but Dr. wd like her to get to sea.

Sept. 9th

Mother & I to look for lodgings at Monkseaton & Whitley. Not v. successful.

Sept. 10th

I think it was to-day when R. & M. were riding on the moor, R. was pitched over pony's head. He did not seem to mind a bit!


Meant to take children to Beadnell for few days, but the rain stopped us.

Sept. 12th

Mother & F's birthdays. Mother got pathetic letters from Hobart & lots of lovely letters & presents. She, F. R. M. & I to Stocksfield by 10.20—unhappily rather a stormy day, with heavy showers, but lovely fine intervals. Had a 2 horse waggonette & went a beautiful long drive round by Old Ridley & then very high up, & back to near Whittonstall Farm. Home about 1.0 o' clock we left the trap, & had lunch, but had just finished when a tremendous shower began & we sat huddled up under umbrellas. Then cleared, & we had a lovely walk thro' fields & woods to Wheel Birks. Bobbo sang us "London Bridge is broken down" quite nicely. Cousin K. Hugh & the children welcomed us to tea—others there too, & we drove down to station & got home about 6.30. It really was a happy day.

Sept. 13th

Mother not v. well—perhaps got rather a chill yesterday. Jane is away for over a week's holiday.

Sept. 16th

R. & M. had v. successful last riding lesson on the moor. M. cantered. Mr. Forbes says she wd make a splendid rider & R. has greatly improved & enjoys it now. They go on a leading rein, & do look so bonny.

Sept. 17th

Actually rather wet.

Sept. 18th

Mother, F. (he walked part way) R. M. Caro & I drove in Victoria to Hill Head. Had tea on the moor there. It was exquisite & for once C. had a good tea. We all were so happy, & got back just before rain.

Sept.19th Sat.

I felt quite sad when Miss Cooper (Madge) arrived at 5.30. Sibyl [?] Jewson also came for week-end. F. met them.

Sept. 20th Sunday.

Mother, F. & Miss J. to evening meeting—peace—F. spoke. Rather disappointing—Friends in N/C. enthusiasm.

Sept. 21st

The bairnies began their lessons in library with Miss C. at 9.30. I took C. a drive with Mother.

Sept. 22nd Tues.

Children got on much better with their lessons. I saw darling Caro off to W/house with Agnes at 11.20. She kept saying "Mother come too." F. & I left at 2.0 for York, R. & M. driving in with us. They have taken such a fancy to Miss Cooper that they did not seem to mind much! Bertha, Molly, Esther & baby Will met us, & we soon drove home. Mrs. Andrews (charwoman) had everything nice, & B. had put lovely flowers in all our rooms. It looked prettier than I had expected. Hugh & Edna both came to see us in evening. It was lovely being all alone when we went to bed, like after our honeymoon!

Sept. 23rd

F. lit kitchen & dining room fires, but for once we did not have breakfast till 8.30 as no hurry. Charwoman for the day, & heaps to do.

Sept. 24th

My new maid—Barbara Shiel—aged 21, arrived from Gateshead in evening. F. & I have enjoyed our little honeymoon time tog. in spite of hard work.

Sept. 26th

B. took F. & me & Miss Till to Beverley. Tea there & saw churches hurriedly. Very nice motor drive.

F. busy with garden, & putting down cork carpets, etc. He is growing so handy. I have much to teach Barbara. I have a good rest every aft. in the garden, & do appreciate it.

Oct. 9th

At last our precious little Caro came home. She has had a nice time at Heugh Folds, (fell into lily pond!) & her appetite is better, but she does not look well.

Oct. 12th

Had to get Dr. F. who says C. has eczema. It is so disappointing. Her face looks dreadful, & one eye is rather bad. However she is pretty happy. She was excited to get home again, & has developed a good deal. Can say lots of nursery rhymes now, & likes looking at books.

The war gets worse & worse & is terribly depressing. It is awful to be fighting agst. Germany.


A long looked forward to day. I met R. & M. at 12.0; they looked a good deal changed, R. so boyish in his coat & cap. He has a head on his shoulders & is so sensible. We got a cab & they were both fearfully excited, chattering hard. A great meeting with Agnes, & Frank later when he came in, & then Caro, who seemed rather astonished. R. flung his arms round my neck & said "Where's the new baby, Mother?" They brought presents for themselves & Car from the Bensham maids, gingerbread, grapes & baby puff, powder etc, for me from Mother, & had much to show & tell. Aft. went to Gardens & I took Bobbo to get a tooth stopped. Jeannie Pollard called in aft.

Oct. 24th

Aft. F. took R. & M. to top of Minster—I waited below. Davie, Dia, Betty, Gwendoline & Billy McKay to tea. Caro enjoyed it all greatly.

Oct. 25th Sunday.

Took R. & M. Dia & Betty to meeting at Bootham. Meeting house full of Belgian refugees. F. went to help with their dinners. Wish I could help too.

Oct. 26th

I took the children a walk & F. & I saw them off at 2.0, poor Bobbo making a brave effort not to cry. They were met at Darlington by Miss Cooper, & got to Bensham safely, tho' rather homesick. Mother went to meet them in N/C but missed them. I miss them terribly & felt very low, tho' it was tiring having them here. They are so sweet & good.

A day or two after this, the empty house next us got taken by 60 soldiers, & there were 60 in the one just beyond too. They seem a decent orderly set, but it is trying, & the tramping over bare boards makes a noise. Fortunately our bedroom & dining rooms are at the back. Occasionally we watch them drilling or being given directions & so on, & they borrow utensils sometimes.

On Nov. 2nd Mother found her stables had been taken by soldiers & horses. Those at Burton Croft have been occupied some time.

Nov. 4th

F. went to C.E.C. [that's what it looks like] in London. Great excitement last night as said to have been a battle off Lowestoft.

Nov. 5th

I went to Edith Sturge's to dinner. F. came home.

Nov. 7th Sat.

My left elbow had a spot on it which began to hurt, & soon F. put on a poultice or two.

Nov. 9th or 10th

Elbow worse, so in evening I went up to Dr. Fraser. She said it must be fomented every 4 hours.

Nov. 12th

Elbow bad, so again went to Dr. F. & on

Nov. 14th she came to see me. Said I must go at 2.0 in aft. to have it lanced. She froze it, but it was a deep abscess & hurt a good lot. I have the arm in a sling & may not use it at all, but I cook with one hand! F. & I to B's to supper. V. nice.

Nov. 15th Sunday.

F. does my elbow beautifully & we are getting rid of a lot that must come out.

Nov. 18th Wed.

Nurse Shand came to see me in morning & I asked her to stay at the House till needed. Edna came in evening. I managed to put Caro to bed, & she was rather restless & cried once or two [sic] so I had to go up to her. F. on duty. We had a game of cards after supper & went to bed after 10.0. Suddenly I said to F. "Something has happened—you must go for the Nurse." He dressed at once & I went & woke Agnes, for I was shivering & dare not be left alone. Caro woke, but was soon quiet & then Agnes came & kissed me! Before long kind Edna appeared & soon after 12.0 p.m. Nurse, who said I had made a mistake, but I had not. At last she & Edna went to lie down & F. & I tried to sleep, but I hardly got any. Edna brought me a cup of tea in the morning & then went home, but soon came again.

Nov. 19th Thursday.

Dr. F. also came (Nurse cd not get her on the telephone last night at the Home) & said have a hot bath, & I had to take quinine all aft. Edna came again in aft. Day seemed endless, for I felt nothing till about 5.0 p.m. High tea—F. took duty till 8.20. When he came back I was with Edna feeling very bad, & very soon I went to bed, & Dr. F. was sent for. Nurse was splendid. F. stayed with me till 10.0 holding my hand & when Dr. F. came he went downstairs. It was all so quick that I had hardly time for chloroform & at 10.20 p.m. our little 'Ruth' was born. I did want a brother for Bobbo, but she is such a sweet, pretty baby. Edna nursed her, while I waited for the next wretched business to get over. At 12.0 p.m. Mrs C. came for Edna & saw baby. Edna has been an enormous help. I saw Frank, & soon after we had quite a good night. Baby weighs about 7 lbs.

Nov. 20th

A fairly nice day after yesterday's trials. Frank brought me exquisite pink carnations, & heaps of other flowers arrived. B. came to see me, & Evie who was spending a night in York looked in with Elsa for a minute in the evening, but except B. & Edna I am not to have any visitors for 10 days. Dr. Fraser is very fussy this time. Happily my arm suddenly nearly healed up yesterday. It did make a difference.

Nov. 23rd or 24th

Dreadful row. Feel awfully upset, & next day cd do nothing but cry, but afterwards got on fairly well, & baby after 1st week began to sleep pretty well, & is extremely good in the day, hardly ever crying & rarely being nursed. She usually sleeps at night after 10.0, and till 2.0, then again till 6.0., but sometimes has cried for 2 or 3 hours. She is so pretty, but has rather a flattened nose.

Went for her 1st walk on Dec. 8th to Bertha's & got lucky bag.

Next week or two nothing special to relate. Dr. F. very cautious. After a fortnight & 2 or 3 days I was allowed to walk to bathroom for a bath. Sat up in afternoon first on Dec. 7th & went downstairs first on Sunday, Dec. 13th. For over 3 weeks my room well supplied with flowers.

Dec. 10th

B. & B. moved to Mansion House & Dec. 11th had Bootham & Mount to a party. I was disappointed not to go. Next day scarlatina broke out at the Mount.


Congratulations, etc. from  
Mother Telegram & £1 & grapes
Evelyn Chrysanthemums
Bertha            "          & overalls & [?]
Hugh            "          & grapes
Bowes The Fruitful Vine
Edna Bonnet
Mrs. Naish Carnations
Frank Carnations, Roses, Lilies
Aunt Hope Frock
Edith Davies Lilies
Mrs. T. Procter Chrysanthemums
H. Williamson &

Helen Eddington

Mrs. Jos. Rowntree Chrysanthemums
Mrs. Theo Rowntree            "
Mrs. Macdonald            "
Jeannie Pollard Bonnet & chrysanthemums
Mrs. Arnold Rowntree Chrysanthemums
Sarah E. Jacket, bonnet, cakes
Eva E. Gloves, Socks
Ethel Armstrong Feeder
Alice Warner Bibs, Jacket
Mrs. Sessions Carnations
Bessie Ransome Jacket
May Gretton Jacket
Marie E. Bib
Nurse Probart Lilies, Bonnet
Fanny Pumphrey Jacket
Elsa Bonnet
Mrs. Fred. Fryer Chrysanthemums
Mrs. J.W. Graham Jacket
Mrs. Seebohm R. Flowers


Letters from
Bobbo & Margaret
Miss Cooper
Daisy Wright
Mrs. Parkinson
Denys K.
Mrs. Worthington
Miss Maughan
Mrs. Linney
Helen Burtt
Olive Edmundson
Aunt Car
Aunt N. Gurney
Ally Emley [?]
Malcolm, Lucy, Sophie, Bedford, Arthur
Mrs. Liversey Mrs. F. Rowntree
Mrs. Dill Mrs. Edmunds
Mrs. K.G.T. Wilkinson  
Mrs. Hansell  

Dec. 16th

Baby, Nurse & I & Agnes & Caro went for a drive & we got baby photographed. Then took Nurse to the Home & said goodbye. I felt unutterable relief to see the last of her & have baby to myself, though of course I had much to do.

Dec. 21st Mon.

Barbara sprained her foot, & the next few days were awful, as she had to walk as little as possible & I was not fit to do much; F. & I drove round one night to try & get a charwoman, but cd only get one for one day.

Dec. 22nd Tues.

Bobbo & Marg came home—Granny bringing them, as she is going to stay at the Mansion Ho. Gt. excitement. They arrived about 7.15 & were so delicious & excited (F. met them)—came in to see the new baby & then up to see Caro, who woke up at once. She is enchanted to have "Bobboo [sic] & Margie" back. They had a fire in their room & soon got to bed.

Dec. 23rd

Children wanted to show us all their drawings & treasures. Mother came to see me. Fearful rush. Had a cab & got a little shopping done in evening.

Dec. 24th

Sent notes to Santa Claus, etc. F. put holly up.

Xmas Day. Friday.

Very nice presents. Dinner of chicken, Xmas pudding & mince pies. Aft. F. took the 3 children to the Mansion Ho., Agnes, baby & I going later in a cab. Poor Barbara left alone here. V. nice visit. The Weisses are all there too. All the children looked sweet. Baby much admired. Tea beautiful & so nice after the horrid muddles here. Xmas tree in middle of table. Afterwards sang Father's carols, & we left about 6.15, the children very tired. Bertha has had to have the nail taken off her thumb, as she had such a bad gathered finger.

Boxing day.

Gave Barbara notice. She was unhappy. Agnes out to tea & late.

Jan [sic] 27th Sunday.

Mother to dinner. Evie, Ernest & little Mabel to tea.

Caro's eczema is almost well at last. She has had it since Sept. poor child.

Jan [sic] 30th

Evie & Ernest left.



Jan 2nd

Darling Mother went home, with Elsa & little Mabel. That night she began an attack of influenza. My back ached, & I was feverish & on

Jan. 3rd

I had such a drenching cold that I stayed in bed all day. Felt wretched.

Jan. 5th

F. went to Teachers' Guild in London. I miss him, for lately he has attended to baby at nights (not the only reason I miss him!!)

Jan. 7th

F. came back & Miss Cooper came in evening.

Jan. 8th

Miss C. took children to Betty's birthday party. They stayed to supper & were so excited.

Jan. 9th

I woke up with a headache, & was very sick & felt really ill all day. Got Dr. F. in evening. I think I've done too much & got up to breakfast while F. away. Dr. calls it gastric influenza. I don't know how I'd have struggled thro' these days if baby was not angelic, but it was hard to feed her to-day for I could not bear to move.

Jan. 10th Sunday.

In bed, & soda water & milk all day till a little bread & milk at night.

Jan. 11th

Dr. F. came—I got up.

Jan. 14th

Took Caro out for 1st time since baby came. School began.

Jan. 15th

Last visit from Dr.

Jan. 16th

Darling Bobbo's 8th birthday. He was so excited. Not many presents at breakfast time, but a good many by end of day, & nice ones. Would not open them till he had finished breakfast! Chose dinner—rice pudding "because Father likes it" & jelly! I made girdle cakes, but had to buy the other cakes. Davie, Betty & Dia & Christopher to tea. Most jolly little party. "Musical flop, & chairs, nuts & may (Caro always wanting to play it now!). R's cinematograph etc., crackers, & a few fireworks. 4–6.

Marg. as usual got the ring! Frank & I finished reading aloud the memoir about Father a few days ago. It came out just before Xmas, & is very well done, tho' there are things one wants that are not in it of course. I think it made me feel Father more remarkable than ever.

Jan. 22nd

Most unpleasant business with Barbara & felt quite upset.

Jan. 23rd

Baby feverish 101°. First time she has been poorly & she cried so over her bath, but slept a lot during day.

Jan. 25th

Barbara departed to our relief & Emily Mansell, aged 26, came. She made a fair beginning & anyway is a great improvement on Barbara.

Feb. 7th

Alas, my 40th birthday, but made nice by the children being quite excited. F. gave me a lovely teapot, Bobbo a duster he had hemmed, Margaret some chocs, Mother a lovely coat & bonnet for baby, Nurse Probart a table centre, etc. F. on long duty.

Feb. 13th Sat.

Miss Cooper home for week-end, & Bobbo & Marg. to Bensham. They went alone by the 9.30, Miss C. seeing them off. There is no stop, & they were met at N/C by "Gertrude" & Hugh. They had a lovely week-end with darling Granny, a little party on Sat. aft. & to tea to Quarries on Monday, & they returned home in great excitement on Tuesday morning, meeting Miss C. at Darlington.

Feb. 19th Friday.

Mother came to York for the day, & came here to tea. It was just lovely seeing her. She has had a bad foot—varicose veins.

Feb. 20th

Children went to market with Miss C. & returned with a lovely little white bunny with black ears, price 6d. It was put in the hutch Miss C. had made & is really lovely, & looks happy. The children feed it night & morning, & Caro just loves it & is not afraid at all of it. She shouts "Goodbye, bunny" every time she goes for a walk.

March 11th

Heard the tragic news of Winnie Naish's death. I feel it greatly, for she took an interest in little Ruth, & I only returned the scales a few days ago. It is so awful for Duncan, left with 3 wee children.

March 18th

Miss Cooper & I went to the Mount to hear Mr. Herbert Golden, (piano). He was 18 years in Germany & returned just before the war, & therefore has lost his living. He was magnificent, but it was the most terrible night, a blizzard & thick snow, & we had hard work to get home, tho' we got a cab from station. 2 or 3 days ago we were sitting out in the garden!!

March 24th Wed.

I took baby for her first journey to Bensham by 9.30 train. No one to see me off, at station, but a warm send off from children Miss C. & maids at the house & a kind porter took my ticket. Mother insisted on my going 1st class & paying my fare. Baby was as good as gold & lay on the seat, awake part of the time. Mother met us & we went by train to Bensham.

March 25th

Bitterly cold for next few days. Snowed a bit. [?] Clive to dinner & tea.

March 26th

Drove over to Quarries with baby after tea.

March 27th Sat.

Edmund arrived safely about 5.0. We are thankful. He is better with the voyage. In evening gave us a very pathetic account of the last sad weeks, & how disgracefully poor darling Dootie was treated in the hospital. I sat up & had a talk with him till nearly 11.0. He seems to find it a relief to pour out, & we want to hear all we can.

March 28th Sunday.

Spent the morning looking over Ruth's jewellery, & trying to apportion it rightly—a sad business. Sara R. & Hugh to dinner. Percy & Ed. Mennell to tea.

March 29th Mon.

Took baby home by the 12.40 arriving 2.30. Edmund saw me off. Felt very swell in the 1st class carriage. Frank met us. Next 2 days busy packing & helping to begin spring cleaning. I am leaving Emily to do it, sleeping out. The "bunny" remains—[?] Frank/Frisk has gone to Mrs. Carltons.


Thurs. April 1st

F. Agnes, Caro & Bobbo by 3.0 train to Coxwold—drove to Olstead [sc. Oldstead] Hall, (F. cycled). Bertha kindly brought Marg. baby & me in the motor. We started soon after 3.0 & arrived a little before 5.0. Gertie, Laurie & their children came the day before. We have the same sitting room as before, 2 small front bedrooms, & a back room in which Bobbo sleeps. 2½ guineas a week, not including fires & lights. Next few days bitterly cold & windy, or pouring. All the children got bad colds & coughs, & baby had a feverish attack & was very poorly.

On April 9th Frank went to Northern Peace Board, at Kendal, & Miss Cooper came here for the week-end. Fortunately it was fine, but baby was still very poorly & I felt rather thronged. I had to have a fire at nights—poor wee thing one day she was in her cot all day, never making a sound, though often wide awake. However, Miss C. enjoyed it & thought it a lovely place.

April 12th Mon.

Frank came home & Miss C. went. F. has had an interesting time & his own speech was considered splendid.

April 13th

Went a lovely walk thro' woods & fields—got heaps of primroses. The sweet violets are lovely.

April 14th

A perfect still, hot day. F. took Bobbo & Marg. to Gormire Tarn [presumably Gormire Lake]—took dinner. Caro & I went a little way with them. Baby got out again at last. F. came back with bad sore throat & feverish. I gave him aconite & fortunately in a day or two he was nearly alright again.

Unfortunately the weather turned cold again.

April 17th

Mother, Bertha & Edmund motored over to see us, but only a tiny visit after tea. Edmund delighted with Caro who still looks very wistful & pathetic. It was lovely to see them.

Mary and Ruth Pollard, April 1915, by Laurie Richardson

April 18th Sunday.

Nice little service with the 3 children. Hymns, reading, they repeated psalms, & I read a hymn.

April 20th

Gt picking of primroses. F. & I walked to Byland & back by Tower.

April 21st

Baby had a very bad night & screamed. Had to keep fire on. Gt packing. Lovely day but cold. Frank, Bobbo & Marg. came home by aft. train & got tea at Pilmoor.

Ber very kindly lent us the car again, & Agnes, Caro baby & I left about 3.0 & got home about 4.0. It was most convenient. Emily gave us a warm welcome, & B. came in soon looking a little better (she had been v. run down & grown so thin). She had brought exquisite flowers & arranged them in the morning. Edna came later. Emily has managed all the spring cleaning entirely alone in just a day less than 3 weeks. She has been wonderful & it had been well done. Only a few carpets sent out. She has washed a lot of things too. I gave her 5/-. Can't think how she moved the heavy furniture. I am thankful to be at home again, though the Graingers have been very kind. We paid 2½ guineas a week for our rooms. I miss Miss Cooper at home very much, tho' it seems easier not to have such a full household.

April 28th Wed.

Bobbo & Marg. began going to the Mount. Agnes had to take them as I could not. After this, she just took them to Gillygate Corner every day & put them in the tram, until May 14th when I let them go all the way alone. Bobbo goes to aft. school, so B. very kindly has him to dinner at the Mansion Ho. On those days, one of us meets Marg. at Gillygate Corner. They enjoy school very much. Wed. aft. is a half holiday & Sat. a whole holiday.

June 7th Monday.

Might be called "Black Monday". Baby had a v. bad night, temp. 101° in the night. While we were sitting at breakfast, we heard the most awful shrieks from the kitchen & rushing along found Emily on the floor on fire. We wrapped the hearth rug round her & soon got it out, but her back was pretty badly burned. She went to bed & we sent for Dr. Long, her panel Dr. Meanwhile poor baby got quite neglected, & Caro never got out till late aft. as Agnes & I were so busy. The heat was tremendous & we felt quite done up. We had Dr. F. for baby too, & she could not take the nitre medicine as it made her sick. Emily was v. plucky & came down in aft. & sat in kitchen.

June 8th

Baby nearly 104°. I had to get breakfast ready, but Agnes lit fire. Got a charwoman, & Emily did a little too.

June 10th

Baby worse. Most trying time till abscess burst in night.

June 11th & 12th

Emily suffering more. Agnes & I are having hard work dressing her back & attending to baby too & the house.

June 13th Sunday.

Sent Emily away for a week. Baby, Caro & I were to have gone to Bensham last Wed. but have had to put it off, owing to baby's abscess.

June 14th Mon.

Caro, baby & I left at 9.30 for Bensham. Agnes & Edna saw us off in a corridor carriage with 5 men in it, but baby slept all the way & C. was so good. I left Marg. in bed poorly, with only a new young charwoman in the house, but after 2 or 3 days she got to school again. Agnes is doing Emily's work.

Evie, who was staying at Bensham, met us & we drove home. Mother v. tired & looks poorly. Gertrude is going to act as my nurse. Evie & I v. busy looking over dear Ruth's clothes.

June 15th Tues.

Hugh has lent Wheel Birks to Mother, so about 10.0 we started for station—one cab did not come & maids nearly missed train, & baby was with them. Evie went to M/C. Hugh kindly came with us. A glorious hot day; lovely drive up to house, & maids soon got it nice. They did manage well, having to shut up Bensham, & open Wheel Birks.

We had a fortnight of beautiful weather, though the winds were cold; hardly a drop of rain except one morning. Little Will came next day I think & he & Caro were so happy tog. with squabbles occasionally. They loved going to the wood & throwing stones in the stream & picking flowers. It is a most beautiful place, & did C. & baby a great deal of good, tho' unhappily baby did not sleep at all well. C. had dinner with us & behaved so well—other meals with Will, 'Ethel' & 'Gertrude' .

Mother & I played 'patience' in evenings. She is growing sadly blind & is terribly depressed about the war. One day we went to the Pumphreys' at Hindley to tea—nice to see the beautiful place again. 2 daughters & a daughter-in-law all staying there with their children while their husbands are at the front. One day we had Cos. Jenny, Cos. Kate, etc. to tea, Hugh several times, etc.

On June 15th, the day we left Bensham, there was a Zeppelin raid at Jarrow; 17 men were killed. Marg. Shield & family saw it all. Even at Bensham the houses shook & some people heard the noise at Stocksfield. Brewis gave a great account of it too when he & Ethel's young man came up to tea one day. Gertrude is engaged to Brewis!

June 28th

Bertha came. It is so nice to have her & the greatest relief to see her really better at last.

June 30th Wed.

Baby, C. & I left at 9.0, Ethel going with us to N/C. Tiring journey, but reached York 12.5 & Agnes met us. Emily not back yet, so in aft. I went off & managed to get young Mrs. Andrews to come for a week for 8/6 to be here at ¼ to 7 & go not v. early in evenings.

Bobbo & Marg. came in before 1.0 & gave us the loveliest welcome. There was no peace till I had been out to inspect each new flower in the garden, & they had put a lovely little vase of flowers in my bedroom from their own gardens, pinks, pansies, lobelia, etc. It was nice to see them again & Frank came in later, but was not in very long.

July 3rd

I took R. M. & C. to Bootham Baths, first time this year. F. helped with dressing & undressing C. as we had not much time. It was her first time in baths, & she looked such a sweet naked little figure & was so plucky. It was too deep for her to stand, but I took her in my arms, & she had a tiny ride on my back when I was swimming. R. & M. were v. good too & tried to swim. They love the shower bath. C. kept saying:— "I've been swimming in the river"!

Our garden is growing quite nice & is the greatest joy to the children, especially their own little ones. They rush out before breakfast to see what new flowers are out & are keenly interested in all the flowers. Our roses which we planted last autumn are doing well & are in bud, & we have lovely Sweet Williams from Aunt Car, & pansies & columbines from Evie & Mother, & chrysanthemums (not yet out) from Bensham too. The clematis & Virginia Creeper are growing well.


R. & M. & Frank to Cocoa Works party. Got back about 8.0, M. very tired.


M. feverish in evening. R. & I to baths. I am teaching him to swim & he is plucky now.

July 12th Sunday.

M. better. Gt. present of honey from Mrs. Seebohm R.

I forgot to say that on July 8th Emily was so dreadfully rude that I had to send her away as she would not apologize. It was hateful, & she only came back on the 5th in the evening & we' ve paid for 3 weeks lodgings for her. Of course it is v. awkward & I've not been able to get a Charwoman every day.

July 12th

I got to Judge's breakfast.

July 13th

Cd. get no woman, & Caro & baby both began with bronchitis. Baby has had a drenching cold for several days. Caro seemed dreadfully poorly, so white & breathing so hard. She was rather sick too. We had to light a fire in our room & keep them both there.

July 14th

Agnes' 21st birthday & I had promised to give her the day off—a boy came for 2 hours to help, but charwoman never turned up. However, I managed to let A. go at 11.0—she worked hard first. Baby is much better & slept quite well last night, but Caro had hardly any sleep; it was very tiring for me. However, she is much better to-day too. I managed the dinner somehow, & R. & M. helped to wash up after & set the tea in the garden, R. picking a little vase of flowers for the table. They are growing so capable. We left Caro & baby in the big bed alone while we had tea in the garden—rather a risk! But it was so refreshing.

We have given A. a beautiful brooch 12/6.

July 15th

U.D.C. meeting, got Union of Democratic Control up by F. who is now Sec. in York. Mr. Denman M.P. spoke very well, on the war. I managed to go & got back to find a v. nice temporary maid—Violet Elliott—7/- a week.

July 25th

Children almost well again & allowed out. Thundery, showery weather. This day a year ago heard the sad news that Ruth had to have an operation.

July 27th

Children broke up.

July 28th

Concert at Bootham given by 2 or 3 of the boys.

July 29th

School broke up. F. & I took Bertha, Dia, & Betty, R. & M. on river; they started about 3.0 & I met them at the ferry—some way higher up we landed on Clifton Ings & had tea in thermos. B. had taken some too very kindly, & lovely cakes & rasps. & we had a gorgeous tea. Got back before 6 because of baby.

Marg. anaemic & not up to the mark—always tired.

July 30th

I took Dia & Betty, R. & M. to Bootham Baths & they played in the gym too. M. would not bathe for a wonder. We have only been about twice this year, but R. is beginning to learn swimming better. I take him on the pole sometimes.

July 31st Sat.

Agnes is going for her holiday, & F. has to go to Pickering for the week-end, so I had to take the 4 children to Bensham all alone.

They were v. good. Agnes & F. saw us off by 9.41—gt. crowd, but got a quite nice carriage. Evie & family met us on their way to Beadnell. At last got a cab & drove to Bensham. Edmund & Mr. Wells who is staying there out motoring. Mother gave us warm welcome—she has got a girl to help me "May Blenkinsop, 19—(5/- week). Mother is kindly paying for her.

Aug.1st Sunday.

Edmund & Mr. Wells turned up to breakfast—they had stayed last night at Rayheugh. They & Mother & R. & M. went to meeting.

Aug. 2nd

F. arrived before dinner. It is nice to have him. Aunt G. & Uncle J. for the night.

Aug. 3rd

Our wedding day 11 years ago. Bad morning, but improved, so we had dinner at 12.15 & left by 1.0 train for N/C. thence to Cullercoats. Sea blue & beautiful—Mother, R. & M. came too. Walked to Whitley. M. bathed alone. I undressed her on sands & a funny boy plodged beside her & encouraged her. Bobbo plodged. Rather a lot of people. Nice tea at 4.0 in Waverley café—got home about 5.40. Very successful little outing.

Aug. 4th

Alas, a whole year of this terrible war.

Aug. 5th

F. went to London for Brian Sparke's wedding.

Aug. 6th

After the wedding F. went to Norham Hall, Oxford, to attend a Friends' Conference on War & the Social Problem. I did not feel well. Edmund has been away & came back to-day.

Aug. 7th

Mother & I to tea at the Jullions.

Aug. 8th Sunday.

Mr & Mrs. Dendy, Teresa, etc. to tea.

Aug. 9th Monday.

Edmund took Mother, R. & M. & I to a picture Hall in N/C. in Grey St. About 1 hr quite enough, tho' it was quite nice. F. arrived back about 5.30. Children v. excited. Waved to train on balcony. I am beginning to wean baby to-day. (For some weeks she has had ordinary milk at 3.0 in aft.) We began at 10 p.m. with 'cow & gate' milk, & she behaved better than we expected.

Aug. 10th

Gt. shopping for Bobbo coat, cap, etc. Stella, Charles & a cousin to dinner. Glorious carnations out of the garden—Brewis is clever. Soup, salmon, mutton with peas & potatoes, jelly & rasp. cream, cheese soufflets [sic], fruit.

Aug. 11th

I took M. & Caro to see Jane & the baby. They were enchanted with it!! Mother & Edmund to M.M. at Sunderland.

Aug. 13th

R. & M. had their 1st riding lesson this year in the school because it rained. Mr. Forbes says the rest has done them good. R. got on much better than last year. Evening Mother, Edmund, F. & I to Quarries to supper. E. & F. & Teresa & Dr. Campbell played tennis in pouring rain!

Songs from E. & F. much liked. Uncle Theo so nice, but not v. well. He said to Aunt Hope "I think you are quite perfect"!

This morning I gave baby 'cow & gate' milk at 8.30 a.m. She is sleeping very well at nights here, except that she still has a night meal. I put her in pram after morning meal & she has a good sleep; a meal at 12.0 & then usually sleeps from 1.0 till 3.0 or after. Caro is sleeping well too.

14th Sat

Pouring in morning & thundery, but cleared up, & from 4–7 we had most successful party of the clerks, their wives & children—it was several years since they had been here & they did enjoy it. There were 22 I think. We first had games, Aunt Sally, swings, tether ball & 'frog' game, then a beautiful tea at 5.0. Ethel had made all the sausage rolls, scones & nearly all of the cakes, & we had potted meat & ham sandwiches & cucumber & strawberries (6lbs). After tea, Frank spoke for about 20 mins. on peace, & Edmund showed very good slides of ruined villages in France, & described the Friends' relief work, & Father's medal was shown. Mr. Hutchinson made a very nice little speech thanking Mother, & E. & F. & Mother replied. After they had gone E. showed us some splendid Northumbrian slides, & a few of Mother's Algerian ones. Bobbo stayed up till 7.30. He is generally in bed about 7.0 or 7.15. Later Mother read us the little account she has written of Tasmania.

Aug. 16th Monday.

F. took R. & M. by midday train to Beadnell, Mrs. Hall's, where they have a sitting room & 2 bedrooms. The Weisses are there too. M. looks so white & is always tired, tho' so willing. She goes to bed at 6.15 & yet always has a long sleep in the daytime. Agnes arrived in aft. & 'Mary' went away in evening.

Aug. 17th

Good account from Beadnell. To cemetery, etc, with Mother. Aunt G. & Uncle J. here for last night & to-night.

Aug. 18th

Mother & I in aft. to Mrs. Ellwood Holmes' funeral.

Aug. 19th

Baby is 9 mos. old. I began her 12.0 o' clock meal of 'cow & gate' milk. Took it pretty well. Mr. Jopling here for 2 nights. Took C. to be photographed by Mrs. Burrell. So good. Baby got her 1st top tooth thro' . V. little trouble, but it is 3 mos. since her first teeth came.


1 year ago darling Ruth died.

21st Sat.

Mother, E., Charles, Stella & Teresa motored to Beadnell to see Weisses. Caro went by train with Gertrude & Agnes, & Frank motored back in evening. I was alone all day with baby.

22nd Sunday.

F. looked after baby & I went to meeting for 1st time since coming here. Edmund spoke. No one to tea!!

23rd Monday.

At last a really lovely day, fresh & hot—Mother v. depressed, thinking of a year ago, but we got a 1 horse landau & at 3.30 she & I & baby drove to Hill Head where we met F. & Ed. & had tea on the heather, baby rolling about by us. It was exquisite, tho' not v. clear. Got back at 6.0—baby v. good tho' ½ hour later than usual. Began again trying to leave off night meal. Bertha came for the night.


B. & I to town. She left at 1.15. Dora Clark came.

About 16th baby's top tooth. She has been a wee bit fractious.


26th Thursday

A glorious day, & for the first time I left baby for the whole day (she gave up her 6.0 pm. meal today) & had a real holiday, the maids kindly looking after her & she was so good. We all went by 10.20 train to Haltwhistle, Mr. Jopling joining us at N/C. & Hugh & Colin at Stocksfield. Here a nice 1 horse trap met us, & Mother, Dora, & Mr. J. & I drove to the inn called "Twice Brewed". The rest met us about 1.0 o' c. & we had a delicious lunch of sausage rolls, pasties, peaches etc. in a lovely hay field. Then some drove to Hot Bank; the rest of us walked along the Wall—Crag Lough smiling & blue in front of us. Passed a 'Mile' Castle. Cliffs grand. I had nice talk with Edmund. From H. Bank some drove again, but F. E. Mr. J. & I walked along wall to Borcoricus—this was a new piece to F. & me. We all met there & examined the camp—then Mother, Dora, Mr. J. & I drove to Bardon Mill, getting there about 6.0 & at 6.30 we had a splendid tea with eggs. Caught the 7.15 home & got out about 9.0 after a grand day. E. says I only walked about 4 miles, but it seemed much more—those who walked all the way about 12 miles.

29th Sat.

All but me to Wheel Birks. Evie & family arrived about 7.30. Little Mabel sweet.


Evie & family left in morning. Bobbo, Marg. & Caro arrived at 7.30 with Agnes & Gertrude, all looking much better—C. quite fat! Gave baby her last meal—alas, alas!

Aug. 31st

Played cricket, hide & seek with children. Aft. took them to Park—pigeons fed out of their hands thro' the bars.

Sept. 1st Wed.

Ed. went to London but is returning again for a few days. The bairnies & Mother & Dora C. saw F. & me off at Bensham about 10.30 for Windermere, via Durham, Barnard Castle, etc. Lovely day—reached Heugh Folds about 5 minus baggage—tea by ourselves. Maurice R. staying there, & a companion, Miss Fecht. Aunt Car pretty well. Called on Miss Hollis & Rowntrees.

Sept. 2nd

Up Helm Crag. Aft. to Easedale Tarn for tea.

Elizabeth Spence Watson, Frank & Mary Pollard and others, taken by Edmund Gower at Borcoricus, August 1915

Sept. 3rd

Maurice, F. & I had tea at foot of Loughrigg. Boat.

Sept. 4th

Glorious day. Maurice, F. & I drove at 9.20 in motor car (6/-) to Wythburn, then went up Helvellyn Top 11.30—then Striding Edge, down to Grisedale & straight up St. Sunday Crag—along Cofa Pike & up Fairfield & then down over Nab Scar; got back about 7.0. Last part pretty tired, but I'm delighted & amazed to find I can walk so far. Aunt C. lent me boots, but fortunately our luggage had arrived when we got back.

Sept. 5th Sunday

Church. Tea at Pr. of Wales with Oscar & Isabel R. etc.

Sept. 6th

Maurice went. Village—aft. picture exhibition. Walked to Sara Renton's via Skelwith, back by Fox How & Pony Path, having a lift of 2 miles. Sara & Dolly very nice.

Sept 7th

I was not over well—result of giving up baby, so did not do much. Boat with Miss F. in evening. Glorious sunset.

Sept. 8th Wed.

Left at 10.0 on a perfect day, the lake like a mirror, very reluctantly. Aunt C. is so sweet & kind. Back by Carlisle. Mother & Edmund met us at 4.0 & we had some tea, & then had to see Edmund off at 5.0—poor E. it was horrid letting him go. We drove out here & the children were at the gate & gave us a rapturous welcome—baby with Agnes was a wee bit shy. Caro looked v. tiny, but they were all sweet. Dora C. has gone, but Somers & Jean Gill are here—6 children have been rather much for darling mother.

Sept. 9th

Mother, F. & I took all the bairns except baby to Tynemouth. A glorious day. We got 2 bathing machines, & all but Mother & Caro had a glorious but cold bathe. Then sandwiches, but Marg. was sick. Mother had to go home, so took her too. The rest of us played about & went to Mrs. Charles' to tea. Got home at 5.30.

Sept. 10th

Somers & Jean left. Miss Sophie Sturge came, & Mother had high tea at 6.0 (Herbie Corder too) & then about 20 people came to hear Miss Sturge on the Women's Conference at the Hague—Rev. & Mrs. Moll, Miss Mawson, etc. Miss Sturge is an extremely interesting woman.

Sept. 11th

Miss S. left. Marg, Bobbo & Caro in cab to Aunt Hope's to tea. Poor F. had to return to York at 6.20—we saw him off at Bensham.

Sept. 12th

Molly came. Mother & F's birthdays. Children much excited. She had some lovely presents, & we had brought lovely flowers for Edmund—he had given me the money.

Sept. 13th

We went into town & came back by a motor bus. R. wildly excited—got a headache in consequence.

Sept. 14th

Drove to N/C. & left R., M. & Caro alone at Cousin Sally's to dinner. Mother & I to Quarries. When I called for the children at 3.0, R. was playing Wagner on the pianola, M. & C. sound asleep. They had been v. good.

Sept. 15th Wed.

Gt. packing. Left reluctantly at 1.44. Darling Mother has been so good to us. Got here after 4.0. F. met us. Violet has everything nice. Garden jolly, but grass long.


End of book

My weight.

June 19th, 1913 8st. 3lbs.


[Transcript by Julia Whitaker, with her permission.]


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