First sound movie First stereo sound movie First colour sound movie First colour stereo sound movie
First 3D sound movie First 3D stereo sound movie First 3D colour sound movie First 3D colour stereo sound movie

First 3D colour sound movie

1. The technology

2. The human subject

First 3D colour sound movie showing a person

Probably Untitled, 1936. Made in the 2-colour Ufacolor process, this documentary with sound, showing scenes of the 1936 Dresden Reichsgartenschau, was shown to the German Stereoscopic Society and the German Society of Cinematographic Technicians on 27 May 1937 by Professor Dr Ferdinand Bauer, as part of a presentation on '3-D Projection with Polarizers in Teaching'.



First 3D colour sound movie showing a person of the opposite sex

No information yet located. Possibly Untitled, 1936.


First 3D colour stereo sound movie showing people of both sexes

House of Wax, 1953

The American horror film House of Wax was released on 25 April 1953. It was directed by André de Toth (1912–2002), and starred Vincent Price.

It is now available in 3D Blu-Ray.



Earliest-born person whose voice was recorded in a 3D colour sound film (also 3D colour stereo sound)

No significant information yet located. Leo Curley (1878–1960) seems to have been the oldest person to appear in House of Wax or any other 3D stereo sound film of 1953–1960.

Edward 'Major' Bowes (1874–1946) appeared as the narrator in the polarised 3D Technicolor short New Dimensions (1940; later re-packaged and re-issued as Motor Rhythm). [McElheny: 83-4] Bowes does not appear on camera, however.



Earliest-born woman whose voice was recorded in a 3D colour sound film (also 3D colour stereo sound)

No significant information yet located. Riza Royce (1903–1980) seems to have been the oldest woman to appear in a speaking role in House of Wax or any other 3D colour sound film of 1953–1960.


Full references for printed works

R.M. Hayes (1989) 3-D Movies. A History and Filmography of Stereoscopic Cinema

Victor K. McElheny (1998) Insisting on the Impossible. The Life of Edwin Land. New York: Perseus Books

Eddie Sammons (1992) The World of 3-D Movies, downloadable from the virtual library of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference

Ray Zone (2007) Stereoscopic Cinema & the Origins of 3-D Film, 1838–1952. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky


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This page was last revised on 2018-09-19.